Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Dad is getting better and I am trying to find things to keep me busy.

I make dad lots of lemon tea and take his steamer up and down so it can be where ever he is.  I suggest he take it in the bathroom and that should do him real good.  He is a very good patient.

I go for a walk and take pictures of roses in the snow.  They are by the cross at our walkway.  It must be a remembrance of the day the young lad was hit by the car.  So sad.

Eat breakfast with dad.  Wash the floor.  Take down curtains to wash and put up different ones.  Do the washing.  Read my book but when I read I eat, bad habit.

Shop for food for supper.  Make dad and I soup for lunch.

Watch D.V.D from ;library.  Feeling sleepy so I have a nap.  Then I go out and play in the snow making a snow angel.  Very difficult at my age.  Hope none of the neighbors are watching.  But at my age I figure I can do whatever I want within reason.,of course.

Look for lost library card.  Can not find it and I say well if you count the many years that I had had it and have not lost it I have done well, don't you think.

Wash my hair.  Should I color it?  No I would not feel like me.

Read some more and eat more cookies.  I am getting worse than dad.

I change some pictures in my photo album to more up-to-date ones.

Ask myself questions.  Do I have blind faith?  It is from my heart whatever it is.  I want to look up evil and prayer in some books before I get supper ready.  Dad is now having his nap.  I need help finding answers, to all the questions others ask.

Evil according to Psalm 47 says For them there are no pains
They do not share in human sorrows

I check my blog no new comments.  Darn.

To-morrow I want to go somewhere.  I need to get more cookies for one thing.


nancy-Lou said...

No Comments.....and I know how much you like comments! SO YOU DID YOU MAKE THE SNOW ANGEL.....what a sense of fun you have. Can I come and play....we could play " fox and geese".
Where does your strong faith come from Beth? Did you go to church as a child? Has your faith always been with you or has it grown over the years? I am playing at church this Sunday...our regular pianist is away. We have so few people who come, this time of year. Usually about 15 or so. Many regulars are "snow birds". Glad to see the lemon honey tea works for Larry. Take care on those slippery streets. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I DID make a snow angel.

I had a strong faith as a child a d would go to church if my parents did not go.

I wou;d say it grew over the years when I struggled with undiagnosed celiac.

I also have tried different churches. I started going to Bible study after my children grew up and started leaving home.

i am always trying to learn more.

my dad played the piano by ear and
I wished I was more musical.

Thanks for your comments. love beth

Anonymous said...

That is another reason to read then, if it encourages you to eat!

Good Oliver was in touch.

The library card may turn up yet, but they can give you a new one pretty fast these days.



beth bennett said...

Yes I know it is just that a forgot the DVD when I returned the case, I lost a book I say I did not take out and now I lost my card.

Maybe they will think I am too big a risk.

Yes, my appetite is good and I have gain 5 lbs. Enough already.

Love Mom

Shandel said...

Today's blog was very humorous! i loved it! and maybe you didn't mean to make it that way , but you really made me smile. I would have loved to have made snow angles with you!! that is soo cool Gramma!.
You sure do get a lot done in your day. Glad to hear that Grampa is feeling better. Lemon tea is very yummy and its also good if you put a touch of honey in it! oh and ginger too. mmmm i might have to make that later. It still very cold here, today is -26 and with the windchill close to -38. brr. puppy doesn't enjoy going outside to pee. lol.
I am going to hot yoga class to warm up! have a great day

Anonymous said...

good to hear your are eating and putting on weight .