Friday, January 6, 2012


I felt strongly that I should visit Marge. today as I had not been all week.  I was grateful that dad was willing to go with me.  I find it difficult to work the pay parking machines and I do not really enjoy driving.

I went in and up to the sixth floor while dad parked the car.  I just got to the room in time to grab a kidney basin for her as she was being sick to her stomach.  Dad called the nurse when he got there and she was going to check with the doctor.  We stayed with her until she felt better

When I had visited Jim earlier in the week he also had been feeling sick to his stomach but still seem happy to see me.  "You haven't been for awhile" was his greeting.  I did stay and visit for while and promised I would be back next week and hopefully he would be better.

I come home aware of what things really matter in life. 

I believe that life itself is holy and a blessing.

The purpose of each one of our lives is to grow in compassion and to learn to love one another.

Life began with an explosion of pure energy that becomes a light in the darkness for each one of us.

Our struggles are invested with deeper meanings that allow us to reach out to one another.  .
There will be times when we turn to look for this light to help us find the way through the valley.

This week I have been visiting both the old and the dying but also the very young.  Continuing to bless life no matter what stage it is at, transforms those we bless and also blesses us.and restores the soul within.


Anonymous said...

That is nice that dad drove you, left you more energy to spend time visiting. Hope this was not another flu bug though. Sandra

Anonymous said...

back home now, great trip, exhusted, wish the kids were! I recieved the birthday card, thank you.


Anonymous said...

It looked like you had a good time. Did all the children get there?

I hope you and MELINA can arrange a date night.

Dad and i are off to Gillford today to buy a case for his phone. Both of us have a harder time holding on to things

First comes the hockey game on at 10 oclock. i have been lazy this morning but am off for my walk now,

love mom

Anonymous said...

Good to see people notice and apppreciate your visits Mom. But don't wear yourself out!

