Thursday, January 12, 2012


                                                                Signs of new growth.

With the weather turning colder it seems strange having new growth appear.  There is talk of snow which I hope will not make the trip down here for Rick unpleasant.  He is coming to Chilliwack and then comes here on Friday.  I have let Sandra and Randy know and also Craig and Leah.

"Stunning new scientific discoveries about the biochemical effect"s of the brains functioning show that all the cells of your body are affected by your thoughts."  I guess this means that are thoughts are what makes us stressed.  A certain amount of stress is good for us and controlling our thoughts is possible.  Talking to a friend I tell her she is a kind and thoughtful person but we are all misunderstood at times.

A relationship with another person needs to be forgiving and there has to be a willingness for both to want to grow and mature and heal.  To fully thrive eliminating stress is important but also actively seeking joyful, fulfilling activities is a vital part of stimulating growth.
According to Bruce H Lipton in his book  "The Biology of Belief" if  we change our beliefs we can change our lives.  This is taking into consideration the role the subconscious mind plays in the change process.  I am sure like many people I have tried willpower and positive thinking and have  not succeeded.

I need to be willing to want to change and grow into a more healthier and stress free person.  It seems that a big part of this is growing out of fear and growing into a deeper awareness of the spirit of love.

Early civilizations believed that every material object in nature possessed Spirit, or an invisible energy.
Now the whole planet can be seen as one living breathing organism, which needs to be protected from human greed, ignorance and poor planing.  There was created in the beginning a natural order.

 We try to live lives without a moral context; instead we are messing up our environment and our genes.

They early church tried to suppress scientific discovery when it was at odds with church dogma.  They wanted control and they had become rich by doing just that.

The scientists devalued spirit and metaphysics because they believed they could not be proved.  This has lead to the survival of the fittest and those who have more will continue to gain while the poorer will stay poor. This is at the expense of the environment and our relationships and our spiritual growth. 

God is the whole and we are just a wee part of that wholeness.

In the end of this book, cellular insight has opened the way to the wisdom of many spiritual teachers, who believe we are spirit in material form.  Only as we come to see how important each person is and our responsibility to improve the lives of others will the world become a better place.

We are to carry on the creating work of the Creator and this is true growth.

A new millennium calls for discovering the deepest mysteries of our past and using new knowledge of DNA etc. to grow and change.

New life changes bare branches into beautiful green leaves, but there is even beauty in their bareness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great blogging mom.
Nice to see the sun shinning , we are getting
a heat wave again.