Sunday, January 1, 2012


They have discovered that every snowflake is unique which is a little hard to believe.

Today is the beginning of a New Year that will be filled with new experiences, new challenges, new  problems that help us find new answers and even more questions.

How can a worrier like me become more aware of the new strength that is available when it is needed.  Life calls us to become tender hearted warriors, aware of our vulnerable places that are in the process of healing.

Dad and I had a normal New Year's Eve that this year included hockey and Heartbeat.  The story last night was a very rich hard hearted women was changed into a person of compassion and generosity.

I am thankful for the circle of family and friends who surround me with love and help me to have faith in myself, in my abilities, my gifts and my potential.

I love to practice a walking meditation.  I enjoy the beauty of nature and the quiet of the earth and the fastness of the sky, always changing.  In fall the beauty of the colorful leaves brighten up the days as they become darker and they lie on the ground for us to walk upon.

A day to leave the past, behind forgetting all our mistakes, and laugh and have fun.  Let happy thoughts fill any emptiness and renew a right spirit within us all.

Today dad and I will be driving out to visit Theresa and Mickie, picking up Ben and Morgan from their other gramma's house on the way.  Sandra and Randy and Leah and Craig will be travelling with us.  I am so looking forward to being with them all!

It takes courage to admit our mistakes even to ourselves and finding new strength deep within ourselves and we .are able to accept one another.

 Laugh and learn and trust the basic goodness in yourself and in others.

My plan for today in my goal to put the goodness of God and the His word first, was to join my family at Colebrook in worship.  Common sense has made me realize I cannot do church and driving to Chilliwack.
I still seem to have fairly low energy that limits my activities. 

Plans do change, like yesterday we did not go shopping, but just had a little drive and I took pictures,


Anonymous said...

Guess I should have started doing dishes MUCH earlier !!

your dishwasher

Anonymous said...

hey, where did you get that, I think I need one too, but can we add vacuuming and dusting as well. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Thgat was a picture at Art Naps

Anonymous said...

Too hot to write !!
Ps we fly to the gold coast after work tomorrow
should be a good 4 days with all the kids.

nancy-Lou said...

You two are just sooo cute! What a great example you are of a long lasting happy marriage...helping each other as you grow in to old age.
We are getting there too. 51 years.We had one mouse in our house and it was peeking at me from the vented humidistat fan ....I got the largest recycling bin and had our granddaughter ready to catch the mouse while I stood on a chair and took off the cover...well you guessed it...the mouse jumped, missing the bin, the cat,my husband and granddaughter all stood there in wonder and the little devil beat in downstairs to the basement. It took the cat a couple of days, but he got the mouse. The moral to the story is...YOU NEED A CAT.