Saturday, January 7, 2012


Called round to our neighbor Cathy who I have not seen out walking the dog for ages.  No answer.  Caught Gudy as she was just getting ready to go out shopping.  We are  going to start walking together next Monday.  Then over to see Rosanna but she must be back in New Westminster again.

Meanwhile dad is watching hockey and tennis.  We are going to Gild ford later.

Health, according to the tradition of the Sioux people, is always seen as a part of one's entire being, of the community's entire being, existing in a state of balance and harmony.

The idea is that we are formed by our relationships.  These relationships affect the the way we think and act.  Having a circle of friends who I see regularly and especially feel connected by friendship, and faith and prayer.  I see my church community as a great support as far as emotional well being and the sense of belonging gives me comfort and serenity.

The founder of Buddhism was a philosopher, not a deity, but a man who probed deeply into the nature of reality, the human mind, to understand unhappiness and discontent with the possibility of alleviating them.  We suffer from incompleteness or unfulfillment.  Everything in life is impermanent and causes us anxiety. Prayer helps me to calm my thoughts of the unpleasant and as does walking or being out in nature.
For those who find meditation hard, although it can be learned, practicing "RIGHT MINDFULNESS" the ability to be present in the moment. 

One of the goals is to be non-judgmental about ourselves and about others.

Consider the difference between saying "I am sad" and "I feel sad"'.  "I feel sad" acknowledges a feeling without being consumed by it.  Accept the feeling, let it go and then allow transformation.  This done by the brain and how what we focus our attention on shapes the structure of the brain.

I find this difficult.  If you can meditate that is helpful but also just concentrating on the task that you are doing allows me to be more highly focused.  The goal is to increase feelings of happiness which comes from within and does not depend on our circumstances.

Anyway we had a terrible time parking at Gil ford and everything is changing.  Dad was able to get a cover for his phone.  A lot of walking through the rain so glad to be home.


Anonymous said...

Prayer and meditation and bubbistic unattachment may well be related.



Anonymous said...


Shandel said...

we studied/ practiced being non judgmental when i took my yoga training last year. loved your blog post today <3 thank you for writing.