Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Happy Birthday to our Jasmine!

Some days I can look back and reflect on the day and feel that I have done something worthwhile.  Other days just seem to be wasted.

Dad went and found out from his doctor he has osteoporosis in his shoulder; one more sign of old age.  No treatment but the doctor gave him pain pills to take at night so he could sleep better.  He wants him to come in for a complete check-up.

I wonder about our body that everyday has billions of cells that are wearing out and need to be replaced.
For example, the entire cellular lining of your gut is replaced every seventy-two hours.  Our bodies spend a tremendous amount of energy to do this.  As I reflect on the amazing restoration that occurs ever night I am very thankful.

Nonetheless my memory is certainly not improving.  I phone to get an update on what of the dear old ladies I visit to see is she is still in hospital.  I remember her first name but totally blank out on her last name.  They tell me she has moved to Laurel place but will not tell me her last name.  I have visited this home for about twenty-five years and I was well known by the old staff.  I will have to look on the door on Thursday.  Believe it or not I have visited this lady for several years; but will not be able to find her at Laurel Place with no last name.

Going to the store I meet Rosanna who is on her way back to New West.  I sit and visit with her at the bus stop.  She is so very lonely.  Next I dropped over to see Cathy who has been ill with bad head aches since new years.  She has been in and out of hospital with a lot of tests but was too sick to see anyone.  It is good her mom is home and her husband too.

Now I have to work on my bible study for Wed.  It is hard to concentrate when I think of so many in pain and struggling with difficulties.  Pain both spiritual and physical seem to be a part of being human and forces me to look at God in a new way. The Bible stories certainly reveal the humanness about people and how mislead  and schemin they can be.   As I read about these ancient civilizations I think they reveal more about themselves than they reveal about God.. 
This is from the story of Jacob and Issac.

I am also reminded of all the imperfect people Jesus hung around with.
God's love is bigger than we can imagine as we continue to grop our way through life
hoping to learn a little as we go.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts
Your thoughts become your words
Your words become your actions
\your actions become your habits
Your habits become your values
Your values become your destiny!"
Mahatma Gandhi


Anonymous said...

Well, wasn't Jesus himself imperfect? After all, he was born as a man. Does this mean that dad needs to take calcium or something? I always thought just woman got this for some reason. Sandra

beth bennett said...

The doctor made no suggestions so I guess either it is not too bad or at our age these things are expected or he figured dad would know to take more calcium.

love mom

Anonymous said...

we had a nice party for Jasmine , we went to Felica's house , she did not want to travel with the baby as she is not well.

beth bennett said...

I would like to put your pictures on here but I do not know how. Maybe Rick or Sandra can help me.

Rick will be here Friday night.

Sorry to hear Felica is not well.
That is very difficult when you have children to care for.

Dad has a cough now so I wondered if he has picked up some of my bugs.

Loved the picture and glad you had a good time,

love mom