Monday, January 9, 2012


A good book or two, a comfy chair and sunshine a good prescription for health.
Health is a very complicated issue.  I have my walk every morning and now afterwards I have an egg. 
I am trying to make changes to be healthier.

I am going to read this over after dad and I talk to Kim on Skype as  am writing down a few scattered thoughts.

Someone who is very healthy may have trouble understanding other peoples pain.

Years ago I suffered from bronchial asthma and ulcerated colitis which are two diseases the doctors believed were caused by emotional stress.  It was difficult taking care of my children with failing health.
Children are a great and wonderful blessing but also a lot of work and worry; not to mention lack of sleep.

I do believe that changes in the mind do influence our bodies so this is a good reason to look for things that create a sense of purpose and well-being.  And genetics and diet and exercise and sleep patterns along with our hopes and fears have an effect on our health. 

"Happiness is neither virtue or pleasure, not this thing nor that, but simply growth."  A line from William Butler Yeats.

Dad and I had a late afternoon walk in the park.  He is off to the doctor today and I hope they will give him some answers or some new things to try.

I also think growth is important in  a spiritual sense as well as the physical.

To do this  am trying to  figure out what Jesus really said and meant and what his words mean to me today; as I try to plan out what I am going to do.  In the stormy history of political, social, cultural and even religious problems Jesus emerges as a travelling teacher and prophet.  He came with a message that touched the souls of many of the people to give them hope and faith in a God who had not forgotten them. I am drawen to Jesus by his teachings but also because of the peace that stills the unrest in my heart.

I am also trying to learn about other religions and what attracts people to them.


Anonymous said...

Hi mom, Jasmine's card arrived today. thanks for that . The family is coming over tomorrow for Jassy's birthday party.

Anonymous said...

Good picture Mom.



Anonymous said...

Sleep! Ever since the dr told me I need to improve my sleep so my body is healthier I have been sleeping worse because now I am worrying about my sleep on top of everything else. And of course every night Randy is snoring 5 minutes after his head hits the pillow. Very frustrating. Sandra