Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Today is going to be a good day!

My first thoughts are ones of thankfulness.  Thankful for a note from Oliver on facebook!

I know that I need to try and be thankful for the good as well as the bad. 

I am open to both private and public prayer that is humble and sincere.

I pray for my friend dying of cancer and I pray that in the end she will go peacefully and quickly and that her loved ones will be there.  All of us that are praying for her are with her in spirit.  I wish that I could visit her today but it does not look likely.

I believe in the Serenity Prayer that A.A, has accepted as it's foundation.  God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change and the courage to tell the difference.

Living a day at a time enjoying one moment at a time; and trying to accept hardship as the pathway to peace; as a Christian I believe all human beings are made in the image of God{this shape that changes} capable of goodness and of what we see as bad.

Christianity is now becoming more aware of the goodness and wisdom in other religions..
At least some of us are.  I am reading about three women of Jewish and Muslim  and Christian faith.
They all have misconceptions about each other's beliefs.
but for many people it is not the exclusivity of Christianity but the problem is the presence of evil and suffering in the world.  Can there be a reason for it?  Well one reason is we do not look after one another and the rich continue to take from the poor.  Hard -nosed skeptics like to put all the blame on a God they don't believe exists anyway.

I was having a good day until I couldn't find my library card.  I was totally depressed at the thought of having to go and confess another stupid mistake.  Also I hate losing things because it feels like I am losing my mind.

We both went to bed early, dad was very week and tired and my upper back (osteo) was painful.

Dad seem to be so much better during the day then had a major coughing fit in the night.  Hard on both of us.  I almost felt like getting up as  I have a hard time falling back to sleep.  I have to solve all the problems in the world let alone my own life.  Should dad go to the doctor?

So the promise of a good day did not really happen but on the other hand it could have been much worse.

I felt bad for dad and made him his lemon drink but I have to admit my last thoughts are ones of self-pity.  I pray for dad and for wisdom and for serenity for us both.

                                                                 A happy picture!


Anonymous said...

Sceptics such as my self do not blame God for the evil in the world, rathere just point out that it is ridiculouse to believe in a God who interviens through human prayers and yet allows billions and trillions of worthy, kind, selfless, rightouse prayers to go "unanswerd" Like you say, it comes down to choice. You choose to believe, for what ever reasons, it makes you feel better. I choose not to and I am pretty sure we worry just as much with or with God. Sandra

beth bennett said...

My point is that I do not believe that God will intervene although maybe He could.

Yes, I am a worrier but I do find comfort in sharing my worries with someone that understands and believes in me.

love mom

Anonymous said...

Yea maybe time for a dr visit for Dad.It could be that watching the canucks is making him sick???

beth bennett said...

Dad says no and I think he is very slowly getter better. I do hope for a better sleep to night.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

It is good when Christians learn form Muslims, Jews, etc. When we do we see that each religion has a small kernal of truth about God. This kernal is wrapped up in priest-ridden doctrine.

One we realize that the kernal of truth (that are largely shared) has nothing to do with religious rules and doctrine so important ot the priest class in each religion, then we realize that we don't need the priests, and the doctrine. The popes, rabbis, bishops, imams, pundits and so on are unnecessary (or almost unnecessary).

Good you heard from Oliver.

