Monday, January 9, 2012


I will have to give some thought to that because I found it hurtful to be called a phony.

I do try and start the day with a positive attitude but that often disappears when faced with daily habits. 

I like to plan my day or else I find I end up doing nothing that I consider worth while.

It is easier to be happier when those we love are happy.  That is something I can make more of an effort to do.  I will try not to be so sensitive when I feel criticized.  I will try to be more sensitive to the pain that dad feels in his legs and shoulders.  I still think that there must be something that could ease it a bit and that would be worth a try.

Happiness has a strong influence in a marriage as we often pick up each others moods. 

I would like to be more affectionate and that can take thoughtfulness as well as effort.

"Whatever love I may feel in my heart
others will only see in my actions."
Pierre Reverdy

Remembering to be kind in the words we say is important. 

"One is not always happy when one is good
but one is always good when one is happy."
Oscar Wilde

Happiness is being aware of our own faults and trying to let go of fear and anxiety and doubt.  Is it possible for me to even do this?  We are all a little idiosyncratic so we may just as well laugh about it.

Happiness is different for each one of us but I know it when I feel it and I know it when I do not.
I know that my biggest desire is for my children to be happy but also to be compassionate and caring about others.  It makes me happy to know that they are,

Now it is time for a prayer and a walk!

But on the other hand it would be a sad world is we are not a little phony sometimes.


Anonymous said...

I know that when people start offering advice to me and expect that I should be able to do the same as them it falls on deaf ears. If I dont feel that they first understand the circustances of my particular health issues and why I am not up and playing volleyball and tennis and climbing mountains then their suggestions just come across as critisism rather then anything helpfull. I know we are all phony, all want others to see us as something better then our true selves, but why? If we are all imperfect why do we have to pretend to be better? Sandra

beth bennett said...

I agree.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Phony.....I think not! Although I only know you from reading your blog, you are sincere and honest, sometimes brutally honest, when it comes to writing about yourself. Don't worry about what others think....adopt Popeye's philosophy....I yam what I yam. By the way....I really enjoy Sandra's comments....I can see a lot of you in her comments, a wise lady. Especially today, as I have a friend who doesn't try to understand my problems, but gives prolific advice that is not wanted. I come! Enjoying your writing on is something I would like to explore about you Beth? What do you think about it? Nancy

beth bennett said...

I want to learn more about Buddhisum but I do not feel a deep connection to the teachings.

The important concepts seem to be mindfulness, cultivating an awareness of each moment and also the nonjudgmental awareness. Both of these things can calm the mind and bring clarity into the present.

Thanks Nancy for your kind words. Yes, I like Sandra/s comments and any comment at all is helpful to me.
love beth