Sunday, January 22, 2012


The little snow man is fighting a losing battle against the warm rain.  As a child making snowmen was one of the first thing we wanted to do when there was a big snow.  Carrots for the nose and coal, yes we heated our home with coal in those days, and some thing red for the mouth.  Usually a scarf and arms of sticks.  Great fun.

I am reading about diet and the mind and how what we eat affects our physical and emotional health.  Of course I know all the facts but I easily drift away from putting my knowledge to good use.  Breakfast is the most important meal and should contain protein , lean meats, egg whited, tofu, beans, whole grains, yogurt and even vegetables. 

This along with exercise helps reduce inflammation.  The quality and quantity of your sleep also influences inflammation as well as reducing stress.    The body needs regular daily intake of both EPA and HA, two long chain omega-3 fats.  Now I have to figure out how I can put this to practical use in my diet.  I figure an omelet that contains vegetables and protein would be a good start. 

This will be hard for me because I love my toast for breakfast.  The first change will come when I go shopping.  I am reading about this because especially lately my energy levels as well as my emotional levels are low.  Yes, January is a dull month as well.

I believe that this also helps with the spiritual essence of our being. 

"Without believing in the supernatural, one can recognize aspects of the human experience that are not accounted for in the materialistic view.  We all know the importance of living in harmony with nature and the universe."  -"Spontaneous Happiness by Andrew Weil, MD

The increase of literacy increased the amount of information that gives us choices in what we believe and how we act.  We do not need to take any ones word for anything but can seek out the truth for ourselves.  I can go to church or to any group meeting and hear a good word but unless it really penetrates my heart ad soul .

I have always had a love for words and I believe that if we listen words can change us both politically and spiritually.  Words can enliven faith when they embody the spirit with authententicity.  Words contain power which can be used to first change our hearts and then to help change society.

"Errors in Holy Scripture?   Translation is so important in helping get rid of some of the errors."
"A Peoples History of Christianity.  "The word "Metanoeite" used by Jesus has been translated as "Do Penance" when it actually means "Repent".  This has support the Catholic system of confession and penance. 

Confession is good for the soul when it also leads to changes in our way of thinking and living!

I am thankful that the ice has melted.


Anonymous said...

Porridge is good for me for breakfast. And the hard-boiled eggs are good too.

I find my mood goes down in the winter as well. Spring is getting closer, though.



beth bennett said...

Yes, it is important to have a good breakfast. You can even add raisins or other thiubgs and if you have an egg that should be okay.

Yes, I am looking forward to spring and also for dad to be completely well.

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, have you heard about steel cut oatmeal? It is oats before they are rolled and is it ever good! Actually the oats have about the same texture and size as barley does, but it tastes a lot better. It is very healthy too, as it still has the bran.I buy it at Costco, although I have seen it in other grocery stores. I cook 4 cups at a time ( 16 cups of water ) for 30 minutes and it makes a lot...then I freeze individual servings in little plastic containers. Take one out of the freezer the night before and heat in the microwave in the morning. Scrumptious with applesauce or raisins and some brown sugar. Good for us celiac people. love Nancy