Thursday, November 29, 2012


A cold rainy   early morning.
               I could stop and have a coffee or warm myself at McDonald's outdoor fire place.
                                        Sometimes I see the street people there, very sad to see.
                                                 Dad will make me coffee when I get home.

We enjoyed spending our morning in White Rock.  The news at the doctors was good.  The breakfast at the White Spot was tasty as usual.  Walked through the mall and ended up at Zeller's.  I was looking forward to wearing my nice new warm pj's.

It is tempting to buy presents but we soon tire out, and after a quick stop at Choices we head home.
Time for a nap before going to the nursing home and visiting the residents there.  Yes, I took a milkshake.  If I am trying to do unto others as I would like done to me I will probably enjoy a milkshake too if I am ever in that position.  It is an effort to go, and I am tired out when I get home, but am always glad that I have gone.

Yes : "Christianity After Religion"  is a good book and the author Diana Bass is one of the new popular writers.  She joins Spong and Phyllis Tickle and Ron Bell.  At least they speak high.y of one another.  I hope to read their latest books too.

I think of when we were first married.  Before you are married every date was exciting and fun, although the odd disagreement would crop up.  Then you get married and the car breaks down so dad has to take the bus to work with his shoes full of holes and packed with cardboard.  His job is very stressful and he is worried about me at home told to rest.  No money, no friends, no T.V. on top of no car;  just day after day of rain and fog.  Until I received the good new all was going to be fine.

One day the rain stopped and I could actually see the mountains.
One day we got a car and could drive down to the ocean and discover the Sylvia!
One day dad checked out and became an air-traffic controller!

Busy weekend at the church.  Craft fair on Saturday.  We have a potluck dinner with our group Sat. night and a pancake breakfast on Sunday morning.  Today it is the library and maybe a quick visit to see Robbie.  Dad can visit Chuch he shouldn't take any germs in to see her although he is getting better. 


Anonymous said...

It is a good omen when the fog lifts and you find the Sylvia! And it was always there, even though you couldn't see it. Makes you think.



Sandra said...

Having closet organizer person coming this morning, one step closer to mayhem over the Christmas holidays. Sandra

larry bennett said...

Another step toward the decadant lifstyle of the ulta rich A CLOSET ORGANIZER

Sandra said...

The way you put it dad it is like some fancy smancy person is going to come and hang my clothes on colour co-ordinated hangers by season and colour. Hmmm, maybe that well be next!