Saturday, March 23, 2013


Being a good for nothing bum seems to be paying off.P3230276

I felt good enough to go for a walk in the forest with dad on Sat. after resting all Friday.

Turned out to be a very good day as Carol and Panteli came over and brought supper and Sandra was able to joined us as she was taking a break from her studies.  The company did us both good. 

We also looked at a place in Chelsae Gardens that is for sale which we all liked but I have to think it over for a day or so.  Moving is a big step and there are pluses and minus to it all.

My shoulder is still painful but improving.  Dad says I would not make a good hockey player!  But I am getting a little too old for it anyway.

Dad and I will go to church this morning.


Sandra said...

And how was the bed?

beth bennett said...

Good, dad and I are very happy.

Shandel said...

i always think moving is such a pain. but when you are in your new found space it sure is lovely. I think living in an apartment would be nice. less things to look after and having to worry about. Plus if you wanted to play in the garden you could just head over to Sandys she has lots of dirt! that is the only thing i miss or wish we had living in our condo. So when we decide to buy a house that will be a plus. but i loooove our condo. so i dont want to leave haha.
glad you are starting to feel better. dont think of you resting as being lazy! i know how hard that is but its true, you are doing the body good. and soon you will be back doing everything you want to do.