Friday, March 22, 2013


The grass is green but it is cold out.
I go for my early morning walk after wiggling and jiggling into my clothes, stepping into them and pulling them up, as it hurts too much to try to put anything over my head.  I am walking now holding a small pillow close to my upper chest as it helps absorbs the jolts of the walk.  I had only one strange look.  I was thinking how we often need something to cushion the aches and weariness of everyday living, as I was walking.    Often it is the little acts of kindness that mean so much.  There is an old Celtic saying that heaven and earth are only three feet apart, and there are "thin places" where this distance closes, a transformed awareness of peace and joy comes over one.  Every expression of beauty, every selfless act, every true friendship, every prayer from the heart, every good deed allow this to happen.
Dad is doing his income tax.  My computer is losing everything and since typing is also a pain, it is very annoying.   I wish I could type with my toes.  I went over to get my hair cut and will not be visiting the Seniors home as driving is out.  I feel bad about that.
I am thankful for the sunshine and several good books to read.  I decide to dump the guilt trip that keeps haunting me telling me I should be doing things, not just being so lazy.  I have to believe that rest is healing and so this is what I should be doing at this time.  I am not doing very well with this but love the comments. 
Dad and I go for a walk in the forest and it does us both good. 


Anonymous said...

Time to stay home and take it easy for a while, I think.

I check every day for my tax refund, but it hasn't arrived yet.



Sandra said...

I was hoping it would be warmer today, but at least it is nice studying weather. Had a second estimate on getting the garage built. Oh, did you and dad look at the place at Chelsea Gardens? Dad said he wanted the ground floor, right? Sandra

Anonymous said...

Last bite of winter for you.they are forecasting 35c here on Wednesday .

Shandel said...

Yes i agree, it is both hard to let the guilt go and also to sit there and do nothing when our body needs the rest it deserves. but in the long run it really is for the best. You will heal up and be back walking with arms swinging and typing your blogs at record speed in no time! but we must honor the time it takes to allow the body to heal. and maybe even the mind?
i think sometimes when falls or slips happen (even accidents) its the universe way of telling us to slow down. so maybe you needed this to actually take the time to slow down and rest. love you

nancy-Lou said...

Geeeshhh Beth are you sure you didn't break ribs or something? Having to walk with a pillow makes me wonder. Did you ever get the results of the xrays? Maybe you should have a follow up appointment. that was a pretty bad fall. Shandel is so wise, I think she is an old spirit, talking in Buddhism! Yes, be good to yourself and rest if you feel like it. Larry is a prince to wait on you...good man. Take care my friend. Had my second cataract surgery on Thursday and everything looks in focus! The surgery team is fantastic! Easy as pain.
Love Nancy

Shandel said...

funny you say that Nancy-Lou
i have heard that many times from other people. i just might be haha