Monday, March 25, 2013


Woke up Sat. morning to frost on the ground but a lot better than the snow they are having in other places, like Edmonton for one.

When Dad and I went for a walk in the forest last week the sunshine found him in his favorite place under that silly tree.    Right now there are a lot of dead branches and trees blown across the path.  The kids on their bikes are making a lot of extra paths and taking away a bit of the charm.  It still is a wonderful place to walk and even meet dogs taking their owners for a walk. 
Laughter does not depend on the weather or the season but is good for us all any tine of the day or the year.  I understand it is even legal to drive and to laugh as long as you keep your eyes on the road.  I do hope that we never lose our sense of humor, even as we are losing our memories.
Laughter is sunshine for the soul!
Psalm Sunday was a lovely sunny day to begin the final days before Easter.  A time to remember that Jesus rode a small donkey or colt into Jerusalem and was surrounded by a crowd of happy excited people praising the man who they expected to save them from the bondage of Rome.  Christians everywhere will be celebrating and rejoicing on this special day.  Jesus threatened those in power and was risking his life to defeat evil and corruption, that included not only the Roman authority but their own Jewish hierarchy. 
After church we drove around Chelsea Gardens again and then walked around to drop by and see Mary Brooks.  She was so happy to see us and our visit was a happy one.  Later we took her out for supper and arrived home as the sun was setting.

We can laugh in the sunshine and in the rain and in the snow and it does us good.
We can laugh with old friends as long ago memories come to mind.
We can laugh with a God who promises to be with us all.
We can laugh with Jesus who juggles all of life as only he can do.


Anonymous said...

Sunshine can be wonderful.

I'm sure Jesus would continue his old habits of getting after the church hierarchy if he was around today!

Nice that you visited Mrs. Brooks.



Anonymous said...

So what did Mary Brooks think of you guys moving in there? I was thinking you and dad should go back and look at that apartment again, but maybe look at the other two that are for sale as well. Even though they are not the ground floor. You never know unless you look. Randy and I started on summer projects by chopping branches off a tree that had been bugging my since last year. Then a big grocery shopping at Super Store before heading over to Mandi and James for dinner. James has a job interview on Tuesday, so fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Laughter really is good medicine .l like the drawing of the laughing Christ although it has received criticism from some. Lovely to have the sunshine with us again today. Love, Jane .