Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Dad and I set out early to  drive to Chilliwack to see Ben perform in the play "The Little Mermaid".
We thought it was at the school and then after we arrived at the Art Center realized we had no tickets.
The principal gave us two tickets to sit with the kindergarten kids.  Ben played his role as the handsome prince very well and the whole production was excellent the costumes very colorful.  We were very proud of Ben singing and acting and dancing.  A wonderful afternoon.  We thought we may see Kim as she had been there putting on make-up, but she had already left. 

Somehow dad and I ended up coming out of the back door of the stage to a burst of applause, not for us but for the director.  All the children were now the audience.  We were trying to connect with Ben not sure what the plan was for getting him home.  Very embarrassing.

We drove over to Theresa's house after to meet Haiti the dog and have coffee with the girls.  A short visit  but Kim was busy getting ready to fly out to Peru to be involved in helping children in an afternoon project.  Yes, she is off on another adventure!  We will miss her bright spirit!

We left about 4 and arrived home just as it started to rain.  Carol and Panteli, and Chuch and Ron and I think Nicole were joining Theresa and Mikie and Morgan all going to the evenning performance. 

It is wonderful to be able to be involved in the lives of our family.  One of the secrets of growing older I believe is to not be too rigid but to bend with the wind of change.

Change your thoughts and you change your world!     --Norman Vincent Peale

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord, do I have this to look forward to when I get I guess you did not work out who was going to be the thinker for the day before you left. Tried to study again last night but fell asleep. Woke up with a sore throat and sniffles.