Monday, March 18, 2013


P3150173Wake up I tell myself and See all the beauty in nature, in music, in art and all of life.   I have fond memories of our walk in the park with Mary and Ryley.  Mary is off home to Kirchner at noon today.  Yes, Ryley the dog is leaving to.

There is something about an early walk in the park  or just my walk that helps me to wake up and feel more alive.  It  awakens the soul as well as the body. Monday morning I am determined to walk for a short walk at least.  My shoulder still hurts from my fall and there are things I cannot do, like doing things up at the back or putting something over my head. I am thankful to have a husband!   And getting out of bed is very difficult, and other things we just take so for granted.  Spending time in the emergency with all those much sicker people sure made me aware of all that there is to be thankful for.
Victor Franlk, the Jewish psychotherapist, survived being imprisoned in a Nazis concentration camp.  He tells the story of a group of exhausted men, hungry and despairing, being called outside the barracks to see a bit of sunlight breaking through lumpy, leaden clouds and reflecting on little pools of water.  "We stood there marvelling at the goodness of creation.  We were tired and cold and sick.  We had lost our loved ones and starving to death but the feeling of reverence as old as the world itself captured our hearts and instead of sleepwalking found within themselves a source of joy and beauty that kept their spirits alive."

Sat. I awoke feeling good and did go for a short walk.  Came home and was putting my boots in the garage when I went tumbling down the two stairs after them, hitting my head and my shoulder and my foot on the cement.  Very painful.

I took some Advil after I manged to craw in and up the stairs.  I was determined to go to the party at Mary's house and enjoyed being with all the family and listening and seeing each one of them.  that for me is happiness.

The American writer and theologian Fredrick Buechner writes, "Listen to your life.  See it for the bottomless mystery that it is.  In the boredom and pain of it, no less than in the excitment and gladness, taste and smell your way to the holy and hidden heart of it, because in the last analysis all moments are key moments, and life itself is grace."

David Tomlinson writes that the kingdom of God is profound wakefulness. 


Anonymous said...

Yes, husbands do come in handy from time to time.

A day or a week to take it easy I think.

Good nothing was broken.



Sandra said...

Did the hospital ever call to confirm everything is OK? Getting Mary all packed up and planning our time of departure, and of course I have to head to work after I get them safely on the plane. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

O Beth, that sure must have given you a fright! You must be so sore. Thank goodness you didnt break bones.
I am amazed at your still go for a walk this morning. Glad you made the family are right...that brings me much happiness too. I made a huge pot of cabbage rolls ( I think they are a prairie dish ) and had my family for supper last week. Made some vegetarian ones for my vegetarian son too and perogies. Our granddaughter loves cabbage rolls and wants to make them with me, next time. They are a Ukrainian dish, but also a Lebanese dish..although they are made with grape leaves and lamb. Sometimes I use grape leaves when they are available in the garden.
I hope you get lots of rest and heal quickly Beth,Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hope your shoulder is a bit better today. Brittany is back in sunny Brisbane . We never did catch up as I was on terrible early shifts and she was too busy shopping and partying. She had a nice little holiday.she has split with her boyfriend Jackson , and enjoying her single life.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your fall, and miserable time in emergency. Your attitude is heartening l admire the way you keep going inspite of it all. love Jane.