Sunday, March 17, 2013


Not the happiest one we have had so far.  We drove to first one emergency to another.  The sky was clear and the mountains spectacular so high above with snow gleaming on top.  Too bad to spend such a glorious day in a dingy waiting room.  Nearly four hours to get told I was going for an x-ray of my shoulder and then an hour to hear the results.  Which we did not hear as we had planned to meet Sandra, Randy and Mary and Carol and Panteli at the White Spot for lunch. 

They were already there so we continued on home and dad made us an omelet and toast.

They all stopped in for a visit after so that made the day not completely wasted.

My shoulder is painful but not broken I am sure.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear - what a day!

I hope there is nothing broken but very wise to get the xray I think.



(Ryley is a dog?)

nancy-Lou said...

good grief Beth, what happened? I sure hope you didn't dislocate it or break something. Did they give you pain meds? Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy-Lou I fell down two steps onto my garage cement floor and have a very painful shoulder and a bump n my head. Could have been much worse.

Nothing is broken and I was very unwilling to go to the emergency. They did give me Advil. It all happened on Sat. but I was determined to go to the baby shower for Mary.

I find if I carry a pillow over it it helps or feels better and ice helps too.

Love Beth