Thursday, March 14, 2013


P3120149A place of refuge with quiet and gentle people who are caring and understanding.  This is the Hospice training center.

I was leading the study group on the subject of  God as a refuge yesterday.  The Psalms are songs that were written to express what was happening in their lives and also what they felt God was doing.  We discussed growing older and the complications and challenges.  None of us want to be a burden to our families and yet none of us know what the future may bring.  We make a commitment to an inner journey of discovering who we are and who we want to become.  Also lots of laughter over the craziness of getting old.

I think all of us can feel the stress in our lives and need a place of refuge.  Usually when I meditate I think of quiet calm waters but sitting by a fire is also a good place.    A place to find rest for my soul and peace of mind for my  body and mind. 

Prayer for me is a refuge and so is the Word of Scripture which reminds me of ancient truths and experiences.  In Biblical times where they were aware of constant danger refuge meant a safe place to hide.  As I get older and feel my strength failing I remind myself of God's faithfulness and "a growing hope in his life-renewing power".  I will be confident and trusting no matter what happens.
"I have taken refuge,  my trust is in you Lord
You will never leave me or forsake me."  -Psalm 71
Each of us is living proof of the faithfulness of God and His Indwelling love. 

When my strength fails then if I abide in the love that flows from Jesus, his strength will be mine.

The wealthy take refuge in their millions, the intellectual in their brains, the religious in their righteousness, the athlete in his power and strength, the musician in hitting the right note, the politician in his popularity and authority, the gardener in creating color and beauty,  and each one of us takes refuge in our own choices in what brings us comfort.

After the study I drove ro White Rock in the pouring rain and got home in time for Carol to come and pick up their chair again in the pouring rain.

This morning dad and I have been invited over to Sandra's to have breakfast with her and Mary.


Anonymous said...

The hospice training place looks very relaxing and calming. I suppose that is the goal.

Too much rain.



nancy-Lou said...

Growing older is a challenge...more so than I thought! There are many changes and decisions that need to be made aren't there? Volunteering at a hospice is something I would like to do too. Good for you and Larry to give your time to those in need. I would like to play some music or just do a short demo of a painting, it they were up to that,...but the distance is too long to travel. I volunteer at our local Seniors Centre.
We have been enjoying the various birds that come to our bird feeder this winter. It is a busy place. Yesterday one of the lovely pine grosbeaks hit the window and died in my sad...she was a beautiful bird and large. Mother nature provides the clean up crew and Rudyard the red fox didn`t waste anytime. We truly have a window on the world of need to TV. It must be so nice to have your family back home now and a granddaughter visiting. Take care, Love Nancy

larry bennett said...

Nancy - you also are so fortunate to have such talent and compassion that you give freely to your friends and neighbors, and your little fury and feathery friends - is such a blessing to be trusted by the birds.

Anonymous said...

Brittanybarrived today in melbourne with her girlfriend. I was at work so saw them on their arrival. We may catch up tomorrow pm when they are sober.
Formula one this weekend in melbourne , and st Patrick's day on Sunday.

nancy-Lou said...

Larry, thank-you for your kind comments...BUT it really is you and Beth who shine the light for others to follow in your footsteps. You both are dear, compassion and love of family. I am privlidged to be your friend!Now that is one hard word to spell and my spell check is WHERE? Love Nancy