Friday, March 1, 2013


Most of us want to have answers for all our questions and cures for all our diseases.   Science seems to promise that all our diseases can be cured, which seems like a good thing.  One thing I have learnt as I have gotten older is that their our lessons to be learned and that I can become a better person by
learning through times of poor health and disappointments.
I now believe that something stronger has to grow within us that is stronger than our disease; even as we learn to cope with the problems that are caused by illness.  My goal is to become first of all more patient, then more loving and eventually wiser.  I believe that there is a hidden wholeness in each one of us.  When I see others struggling with poor health I also see the potential for courage and a greater awareness of the value of all life.
Life seems to continually become a challenge that we face everyday.

I am always amazed at the stories I hear from the elderly people I visit, like Helen who spent time in a prison camp during the war, and is still able to be cheerful and accept changes in her living.  Their stories remind me of what is important in life.  Some things are cured while others we have to learn to live with.

My thoughts are with Kim and her dogie travelling so far and in such stress.  I know once you have an animal they become just like family.  It is heart breaking when something happens to them.

All is quiet at our house even the mouse.


Sandra said...

Yes, we seem to be having our fair share of illness in the family lately. For me it is mostly anxiety, so I just need my hand patted more often then not and sent on my way. Mandi and James had a friend drop by their new place yesterday in the midst of moving so they went out to dinner and did not get to finish. Today is freedome day though, me and he kitties are going to march around in every room of the house just for the fun of it! Sandra

Anonymous said...

Hope Kim doesn't have any troubles getting the dog across the border!



Anonymous said...

lt is difficult to see clearly if you have cataracts. -- You help me to see things more clearly. Thanks Jane

larry bennett said...


Anonymous said...

We have had the hottest summer on record. With more temperatures in the low 30's to come this week. Very pleasant 30c today. To bad my toe is all bandaged up and can't really go for a walk. Hope KIm and dog made it home.