Saturday, March 2, 2013


Kim and dog Haiti are recovering after a long journey to Theresa and Mikie's.
Happy Birthday Mikie!

Plans are up in the air for today but I plan to go to church and supper I believe is going to be at Sandra and Randy's.  We really want to see Kim but a long drive to Chilliwack and not sure if dad feels up to it.

I have read that the morning ritual can be the most crucial in making the day a lot more purposeful and satisfying.  I never knew that Tai Chi Chaun is an ancient body movement ritual that is soft flowing movements that shift the energy in the body, mind and breath into a harmonious state.  Yoga is another way to awaken your spirit each morning with great aliveness and focus. 

"In Hinduism the word Yoga literally meanings to harness oneself to God, seeking union with the divine."  I like to do my walking and praying to remind myself that I need to grow and learn each day and especially not to harm anyone.

My morning walk helps me to breath in fresh air and a fresh sense of purpose enjoying nature and the wonder of being alive and well.  I sometimes go over what happened the day before especially times when I felt insecure or angry or self-righteous.

"If you want to find out how well you are living up to your spiritual values look at how you react in times of disagreement and frustration."   Rabbi Mordecai Finley

Dad was very pleased that Randy came over to hep[ take the spring off the top of the door, especially since he was not feeling so good.  I cleaned out cupboards to see if there was any evidence of mice.
Then we lay on the bed and watched a funny movie together.  I would have loved to go to Chilliwack with Carol and Panteli but it was good we had not gone.  Waited all day until Kim finally called.  Both her and Haiti are recovering from their long trip so that is good news.  They got through the border fine only having to fill out a form.  They arrived at Theresa's at 3 in the morning.
All is well that ends well!   Lovely sunny morning!  !

1 comment:

Steady-as-rain said...

Good of Randy to help with the garage door. Too bad Oliver wasn't about.

