Monday, March 11, 2013



Oh oh caught in the act of sleeping on the bed!  Sunday morning Haiti and I had a nice walk together as it was very quiet and we did not meet anyone.  Haiti is afraid of people and so care has to be taken if she meets strangers; which she did when we had gone out and Randy and Sandra and James came in the house and she barked up a storm. 

The penny is now abolished and as one who has collected pennies over the years it is sad.  It is amazing how a penny or two has saved the day.  Now if you owe 42 cents you either pay 40 cents or 45 cents,  as pennies are not being accepted.

So no more penny for your thoughts or pennies ending up at the bottom of a wishing well; as they are thrown in with a wish.  What about all those pennies flattened by the train when they are put on the tracks.  We had a penny on the floor and no one could be bothered to pick it up until I felt sorry for it.
And what would a bride put in her shoe for good luck?  Or do they do that any more?

And most important pennies are the most religious of coins showing up at church more often than other coins.  I have this on good authority.

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone somewhere is making a penny."   Steven Wright.

So are you in for a penny or in for a pound? 


Sandra said...

All these changes, I do not like them. Not that I really liked pennies much, but it is just another instance of my past and my future not matching. Even with daylight savings time I still woke up at 4:00, so it did not work out as well for me as it did Rick. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes I was wide awake about 4. So annoying. Garage man coming today, so i can get my lawn mower out. Love mom

Anonymous said...

l think we will perhaps have to adjust ourselves to correction of language . ie. it will now be be "Nickels from Heaven " and The Magic Nickel " one of my favourite songs . etc. etc. Jane.

Anonymous said...

About time you got rid of the penny and moved with modern times. it was so annoying getting all that useless change .
Last day of heat wave, 37c and strong winds , dangerous fire conditions. Cool southerly change expected tomorrow morning around 11am.