Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Dad and I have decided to stay here for the summer and maybe longer.  If we need help we will get it.

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Dad and I had a very productive day cleaning out the garage and cutting the lawn.
It was a lovely warm day to have our lunch on the porch  and watching the young people coming and going all decked out for the hockey game. The younger boys got their net out to play road hockey.  We find lots on their balls hiding in our front garden; yes we do return them. 

I am doing much better.
I was thinking about when you have children you try to teach them what is important in life and also warn them about dangers.  Reading about Jesus after Psalm Sunday I think he realizes he has taught his followers all he can and now tries to warn them about what the future holds. He is warning them if they continue to follow him it will not be an easy path.   He also warns them to expect persecution and arrest, but promises to be with them through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus was warning them that bad things can happen to good people and he is a perfect example.  Jesus warns but also promises.
When you believe something passionately it becomes more than a mind game it becomes a gut feeling that all of life has meaning and purpose.  


Anonymous said...

Yes, a good idea to enjoy your house through the summer, especially so that Larry can use his super-duper shade porch that he is so proud of!


Anonymous said...

Do you give the tennis balls back to the road hockey players?

That last sentence about bad things/good people sort of comes out of nowhere. Or is it a preview of tomorrow's blog?



larry bennett said...

Yes rick - we do give them back - in fact last year i secretly put sever balls and a coup;e of pucks on their porch - It is a bit of a relief to decide what to do re moving - for the time being.

Anonymous said...

That's good idea you will know when to move. We worry about Joan , Melina's mom , she lives 10 km from town on a 15 acre property all boy herself and her now deaf guard dog.

beth bennett said...

Dad and I do not want to be a worry to you guys so hope we will be reasonable. love mom