Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together. -Thomas Carlyle
Signs of spring coming quietly growing until these beautiful colors catch my  eye.  My morning Monday walk was quieter as there seemed to be less traffic.  I am used to cars honking and speeding by and sounds of sirens going off.  It is a very unusual morning when either an ambulance or a fire truck does not go racing and shrieking down past me.  Not this morning though.  I am glad there are people to help those who are suffering and in need.
"The purpose of all major religions is (should be) not to construct big temples on the outside, but to create temples of goodness and compassion inside our hearts."  -The Dalai Lama
Many are praying as the Catholic Church votes to elect the new Pope.  Many are hoping there will be changes that are more compassionate and freeing; as they are willing to see the gravity of the abuse that the church has refused to address and bring people back to Jesus.  His message was always about love; first of all to love God with all your heart, soul and mind, the second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  We may be called to love the unlovable who we may not like very much and this is hard work.
Some ways each one of us can love God
"we relish our many human gifts and live live with gratitude,
we fill our lungs with fresh air and feel glad to be alive,
we enjoy and care for God's creation,
we live fully in the present moment, perhaps appreciating details of life we mostly take for granted,
we forgive a wrong done against us,
we take action to make the world a fairer (more peaceful) place.
we share what we have with those less fortunate."   -Dave Tomlinson
Dad had a good day walking in the woods and doing some shopping, while I cleaned up at home.  He is going to an interview at the Hospice in Delta today so we will know more about what is entailed there.   Yes the garage door is happily opening and closing.
One thing I do like about my front garden is I get to talk to my neighbors walking by. 


Anonymous said...

Dogs are spoiled these days.

I won't miss the pennies ... I have a bunch rolled up that I need to take the bank at some point. Although I suppose we will still get them from the USA.

I don't remember any ambulances when I was walking with you.

Yes, gardening does have a social component.



Sandra said...

It is the same for me if it is too quiet at night, something just seems wrong. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Well heat wave is about to end here . 10 days in a row over 30c , the average low temp was 26c ! Not good with no air conditioning. Good thing is we made it thought another hot summer and saved about 800$ ( At least ) on our electricity bill. Still no rain , which when I look at your forecast , could be a good thing.