Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Good news Mathew is feeling better but too bad Jasmine is now sick.

It has been a year of some very good and exciting news.  Dad and I are so happy for our grand daughters Mary and Shawna expecting their first babies.  Then came some news of complications and it was time for serious praying.  Prayers for healing have been answered and now the girls will still need to be very careful.  No lifting!
It was good news to hear that Carol and Panteli and Kim are returning back home from so far away.
Leah has finished her studies to become a L P N.  Theresa is enjoying her course to be a teacher assistant.  Sandra keeps studying!  Kimberly is on the move from Peru to Panama and then home.
There also has been sad news of poor health and my prayers are with Randy as he flys to say good-bye to his mom.  We all had been so hopeful but it just was not to be.  The tumor has grown too big to be operable.

Praying for Jane as she has major surgery that the peace and love of God will surround her and she will recover quickly.
 When I walk with my older friend Gunty she is happy to have someone to share her news with, which is just as important as the walking.  It is so good to have family and friends to share both our good news and our sad news.

I met Thelma Inkster going into the Safeway Store and she said she was just thinking of me.   We caught up in the news of our families.   Yes we both have gray hair now.
In the Vancouver Sun I read that peace and contentment doesn't come without some stress and struggle.  Mary Anne Connor shares her story of using the pain of her past to reach out to the homeless and lonely.  She had been attending a church in Surrey's poorest and toughest neighborhood called the Gentle Shepherd.  With her marriage ending and her move to Vancouver she went to church and God entered her life.  She then takes on feeding and giving shelter to the poor.  A happy news story for a change.

The movie the Crood has been given good reviews here, maybe dad and I will go but evidently there is some scary action.  Even in the movie new ideas are distrusted as is forward thinking and warnings of climatic cataclysm.
She heard good news and it changed her heart and her life.  She encourages people to look beyond their own pain and to see the needs that others have in their daily struggles.  We can all find happiness she says by simply being nicer and kinder.
"How will we reimagine suffering when we realize God sees our lives as works of art?"
Looking for a purpose, an ideal to believe in.


nancy-Lou said...

Great pics in your last blog, Beth. Shorts and green grass have me feeling envious and I know that is not a good thing to be! We still are knee deep in snow and ice. Your family news today is full of exciting things.....babies, education etc...but I am sorry to hear of Randy's mom being so ill. I will keep them in my prayers. It is a tough time for Sandra and Randy. Our highways are too icy for me to drive to Winnipeg for my post op check-up from the cataract surgery...will go tomorrow. Hard to believe that it is April and more snow on Friday too. Everyone is so fed up with the cold weather! Have a great day, love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

thanks for your prayers and concern . l will be having extra sleep time today. love and blessings .

Anonymous said...

Randy wont know the complete picture until Friday when he goes to the doctor with his parents. Speaking of pictures, he sent one from the beach as soon as he got to Sarnia, very cold and windy looking, nothing like what here that is for sure.

Anonymous said...

Lots of bad news lately.

Nice that you saw Mrs. Inkster.



Anonymous said...

Yes. , but did you say a prayer for the Canucks !