Friday, June 16, 2017


I think it is important to get a good early start to your day.

Going to get my teeth cleaned seem to set me back for the rest of the day.
I have a short appointment in July to get a cavity fixed.
The young hygienist was very sweet and her grandma takes the bone building shots like I am taking.

I did not do any of the things I had planned but dad worked on the back yard doing a great job!

It was good to have sunshine but the air was cool.  Dad read in his shade deck even though it was not really warm enough to be enjoyable.  He does like his shade deck!

I am reading a book about a German village and in the history of the start it mentions some of the authors I have been reading about.  I found that interesting.

To-morrow I hope to get a good early start and go for a walk and work in the yard and do some shopping.  Dad is looking forward to cooking breakfast on father's day and Sandra will also be a big help.

An early bed time will help too.


Anonymous said...

Melina is staying at Nonna's this weekend . Nonna had the second eye done for cataracts on Thursday. Jasmine got 14/15 on her spelling test. She was promoted to C group and now gets 15 words. I am back to 5 early shifts in the morning..ugh .

beth bennett said...

Ken I appreciate you taking time to comment.

We like to hear how you are all doing.

It is good Nonna has completed her cataract surgery.

Tell Jasmine and Matthew we are very proud of them working hard at school.

Those early shifts must be miserable. We are also proud of you working so hard to provide for your family!

love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Early. Beth do you remember that British song we learned in primary school called, " Early on Morning?" we sang it in the choir and I still remember the lyrics and the melody.

Wasn't it nice to read a post from Ken and catch up on all the doings down under. The children are doing well in school aren't they? he sure does work hard at a very important job! take care to get enough rest.

Interesting to read about other authors when you are reading a book isn't it? My book is keeping me up at night...reading until midnight sometimes. I have one more of this authors books to read so that is a good thing. I do like her style of writing even if it takes her a while to get there. The House At Riverton is the next book and the one I am reading currently is Secret keeper by Kate Morton. Mysteries.

We had a large bear come up to the living room window last evening, just at dusk. We are used to them and we just watch him lumber around. We keep all the garbage in the shop and only feed the birds in the morning and it is all gone by dusk. He did eye the hummingbird feeder but it is too high for him even when he stood on his hind legs.

The lake has been quite high all spring and the beaches are not their usual sandy beaches but have a lot of pebbles and rocks now. the cottagers are not happy. it is from all the reventments that were built to prevent the sinking of the banks...rocky outcrops that have robbed the beaches of sand. it is such a shame when people interfere with nature. Well it won't bother me because I am not a beach person and don't go there except for walks when there aren't many others around.

How are you and Larry keeping Beth? Is Larry still having pain in his feet? How is your walking....can you walk a little better now. Does practicing strengthen you legs or make them more tired? I think of you both often and keep you in my prayers.

Off to read the hydro now...a country thing I guess...and then jump in the shower. i am so happy that I don't have to worry about getting water on my nose is healing that well.

Have a good evening,

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

That is good news Nancy healing.about your nose

Larry's feet are extremely painful and I am amazed he does all he does.

I seem extra tired but I am blaming he weather.

If I do not improve I will go see what the doctor recommends.

I am ordering some books by Kate Morton from the library.

It helps when you find an author you enjoy.

To-morrow a big day as Larry is making breakfast
and I will sit and read.

Love beth