Sunday, June 25, 2017


All is quiet Sat. morning, just me and the spider spinning his web.  Even the cats have slept in.  It quickly gets too hot for a big walk or for working in the garden.  Right now keeping everything watered and pulling grass out of the flower beds is about all that needs doing.

Sat. afternoon Panteli brings Haiti over as there is an open house on Sunday.

Kim has been working all Sat. and we have a short call from her.

Carol has also phoned to see how we are.  She is working hard to get her on-line counseling going.

Not a pretty picture.

Gardening keeps me humble because there is so much to do and so much to learn to do.

Humility is a Christian virtue and a lesson we are forced to learn more and more in our old age.

Humility is when an elderly Chinese greeter at Wall-mart takes our chair cushions and carries them to the check-out for us!  New cushions for out -door chairs.

Sunday morning Haiti is ready for an early morning walk.  All is quiet at the park.

Dad and I will not be going to church as I have an ultra-sound on my spine for the sciatic nerve problem which is better now.  I went to the chiropractor  and did exercises.  A lot of pains come and go is what I am finding.

I am reading about Samuel Johnson from the 1700's, a man of great wisdom and yet also great humility.  He wrote sermons for others, wrote a book of poems and other books.  "The Vanity of Human Wishes",  Also the author of the first English language dictionary in 1755.

He lived his faith not only in words but in actions taking care of the poor and homeless.

He speaks our against the British settlers of American for their inhumanity to the innocent natives.

"There are great occasions which force the mind to take refuge in religion."

Forced to humbly admit our need of help from God and from others.
We look up to a higher power in prayer and hopefulness.


Steady-as-rain said...

Well, new cushions for the outdoor chairs is probably a good investment!

I know you love walks, and Haiti is a good dog, but I wonder if you aren't a bit too frail now to be talking her for a walk on your own? She might pull you over without meaning to, or get you involved in a dog kerfulle. Maybe I worry too much.



beth bennett said...

Rick that is a worry.

I have to be very careful and I am thankful she obeys when I say sit!

I do not walk very far just over to the park.

We enjoy having her while we still can.

Love mom