Wednesday, November 29, 2017


The street is coming alive with the beauty of Christmas lights.

We received our first Christmas card today, along with a parcel for Kim and a parcel with the wrong address.  Haiti and I will deliver it on our walk to-morrow.  She was here today so we did two walks to the park.

I have had a busy day.  Our minister is doing a book study for advent.  It is a good way for me to keep in touch especially when I have missed a lot of church lately.  The lesson was about how Jesus would fulfill the role of king in a new kingdom.  Jesus was wise, he taught with authority, he threatened the established order, he invites others to walk this same path.  We start out with questions but talk about a wide range of everyday topics.

Christmas is about love with skin on!

The weather is heating up in Australia.  Weare going to have more rain!

Dad has an appointment with the doctor to-morrow.  After we will go to the craft fair at the College.  Kim has been working very hard doing her pottery.

"There is beauty in imperfection."  some wise person said.


Sandra said...

I am ready for some sunshine, all this gloom and rain makes me just want to sleep. There is a new super cold going around at work, I am fighting the good fight and will see if it gets me.

I am watching Ophelia on Saturday in the morning if you want to drop by.

Three weeks till the invasion starts!


beth bennett said...

Sandra you do not want any bug, super or not.

I have had my flu shot Dr. Nolte insisted.

Yes yes we will drop by.

More rain today which is tiring.

Walking Haiti.

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

"skin on"? Maybe "clothes on"?

I have no internet at home now until the new buyers move-in upstairs, probably in January.

In terms of Crystal's human rights complaint, we are just waiting for a "yes" or "no" from the tribunal. If "no" it's all over. If yes, then there will be a hearing probably in May or June. Probably won't hear anything until close to Christmas.

I'm driving to Penticton for meetings tomorrow.

The headaches are very slowly getting better, so I guess it was not a brain tumor. :)

I'll call on the weekend to see how everybody is doing.



nancy-Lou said...

Do you know Charles Addler? He is a radio host on one of the radio stations in Vancouver....could be a Corus radio staion because he worked for them, in Winnipeg, for many years. He has a cross Canada show every weekday evening. Anyway, I had a good chuckle the other evening when he said to the radio host in Winnipeg, did you want to hear out weather out here? Rain on Monday, rain on Tuesday, rain on Wednesday, rain on Thursday...and on he went to made me appreciate the cold sunny days we usually have here.

But we have been having mild weather with temperatures above zero and a lot of clouds too. It freezes overnight and the highways are tricky in the mornings.

Won't it be nice for you to have a visit with Ophelia on Saturday. I know how much you both enjoyed looking after her for a while. she is a cutie pie.

The Iraqi family who are waiting in Turkey to immigrate to Winnipeg are very nice. Abdullah uses a translator on his phone and writes me in English, although he can speak some English already. The church in Winnipeg who are sponsoring him bought a house for him, but it is taking so long for them to arrive they have had to rent it out in the meantime. I am going to send them a parcel with some things for his five children, including little Jena who is 5. Lovely people in a difficult situation. Two years is a long time to wait.

I hope Larry had a good appointment at the doctors and he was able to get some relief from the pain.

AHHH that is so good to hear that Haiti was visiting and you had a couple of walks with her. It is far too slippery for the dogs and I to venture out for a walk and we miss it.

I wish you a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy