Wednesday, November 22, 2017


There was a smaller group of us waiting in the sunshine for the church door to be opened.  We are having husband trouble with several husbands not being well. One had an operation and the other waiting for another hip surgery.  The girl who we were waiting for to open the door also had problems.  We chatted outside the door for about 30 minutes. 

One thing I appreciate about our group is our open mindedness which leads to great discussions.

Dad was happy to see me come home as then he was able to go out to a bit of shopping.

Haiti was also happy to see me and we went for the second walk of the day.  She likes to play with this toy throwing it it around and throwing it up in the air.  She is almost as much fun as Ophelia!

I was reminded today of how much we take life for granted.  The freedom to walk in the fresh air and visit with a friend on the way.  Yes we take for granted the church door will be opened as it usually is

A good day after all.


Sandra said...

It looks like you would have been waiting in the shade, so not as warm. Though Randy said it got up to 19 at our house yesterday.

More and more houses have their Christmas lights turned on now. Randy says we have to wait till the first, I am trying to twist his arm to do it this weekend.


beth bennett said...

Go for this week-end!

love mom