Sunday, November 19, 2017


Have you seen enough ducks?

I had presents all ready to take to church for the toy donation but I was the one who had the Sunday stomach ache.  I said  to  myself :  "Well that is just ducky." 

Dad said he felt like going but was happy to stay at home and watch football.
He did ride his in door bike while I talked on the phone to Jane.  
She had a ride to church and a visit from her son Michael so that was good.

Ken and Melina both were off to work today so she is feeling a bit better but I am sure pretty weak.
Dad and I watch football together.  Actually we first saw each other at a football game.  The Saskatoon Hilltops.  He cheered for the wrong team just to get my attention.  

A good day for the ducks I guess.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled
Trust in God and also in me."  John 14

Remembering the humanity of Jesus is important which is why we celebrate his birth.


nancy-Lou said...

I always enjoyed watching the ducks at Rathrevor Park near Parksville on the Island. We used to stay close to there and walked through the park early every morning, before there were too many people and dogs. Lovely memories.

The are a family group of Mallard Ducks who are living near a friend of mine, in Winnipeg and it is very cold now and all the open water is gone. I told her to contact the Wildlife Federation and they would take them in for the winter. i think when one member of the family are ill or injured the rest stay here with them.

I am glad you stayed home from church Beth. I hope you wrapped up in a warm blanket and rested. maybe read!
Speaking of reading, I am enjoying Louise Penny's book...Beautiful Mystery. I was surprised because I had to wade through the first book i read...I wanted to give her another try because she is so highly rated.. Glad I did.

What are you reading currently. Beth? My friend Gina told me about an APP that I downloaded and you can order e books as well as regular books from your library. I haven't tried it out yet...have to geet my membership first. Will do on Wednesday.

Well the carrot cake with the cream cheese icing never made it to the freezer. Gosh that was good! it was a large cake and we had company so they helped us eat it. I sent some home with them as well. We still have a row left...but Carl and I ate far to many pieces over the last couple of ddays. Guess I will make another one for Christmas and this time...freeze it quickly.

Yes football was on the telly all day here too...I had to watch curling upstairs..which is OK..the tv isn't as large, but it is OK.

I am glad to hear that Melina is feeling some better. A tv personality who works for CTV Saskatoon had the stomach flu for a week and it really made her sick. Fiona...forget her last name. We are dodging all the flus and colds around here. We had our flu shots, did you and Larry?

Well it is cold in the studio so I had better go to bed and read my book and get warm.

Have a nice evening.

ps are the pills helping Larry with the pain? I sure hope so.

Love to you both,

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy
I had a restful day.

I am reading The Jesus Journey by Trent Sheppard.

We are experimenting with the pills.

He sees the doctor again in two weeks.

Love beth