Saturday, November 18, 2017


It took a real effort to go for a walk this morning.
I was glad I did I met my old friend Joanne who I have not seen for a long time.
We were both thinking of each other.
She was walking over to the shopping center and asked if I would like to meet her for breakfast or for a coffee.  I agreed but first I had to return home for a 20 minute rest and the drive down in the car.  I do the listening and she does the talking.

It was an effort to drive but I know I am regaining confidence each time I do it.  We had a good visit as we had a lot of things to catch up on.  She is a character and was telling the waitress how she lost her first job being a waitress.  It is not as easy as it looks!

Dad did not feel like going out at all today. 

Waiting to hear from Ken how Melina is?

 Now he has hockey and then it is time for Heart Beat.

Tomorrow at church there will be a play after the service.  A humorous one so I am told.  I hope dad will be up to going but it will depend on what side of the bed he gets up on!

"An effort made for the happiness of others lifts us above ourselves."
--Lynda Child


Sandra said...

My appointment will be at 10:40 on Tuesday.

I am not motivated to do much right now, maybe conserving my energy for Christmas?

Started to do some online shopping.


beth bennett said...

Dad is not motivated at all.

We will have to decide what to do with these pills.

I want to go to church and am okay diving.

I would like to stay for the comedy but I will not.

Take it easy and store up your energy and I hope get some sleep.

Love mom

Sandra said...

My appointment will be at 10:40 on Tuesday.

I am not motivated to do much right now, maybe conserving my energy for Christmas?

Started to do some online shopping.


nancy-Lou said...

WONDERFUL to hear you are driving Beth! Each time you will be more re-assured. I am so glad you have your licence. I hope you were able to go to church today.

Motivation...hmmmm, well I need a kick in the pants to get working on some paintings. i have a commission piece to finish and another to start and that one is a Christmas gift. The problem is....there is a curling bonspiel on this weekend and I don't like to miss any games. Plus I am lazy. Once I get started I will be motivated.

Beth, if you really don't feel like going for a walk..don't push it. I know there are days when I don't feel as well and don't have much energy. We need to listen to ourselves!

How is Leah doing? When is her baby due? My goodness they will be a busy family once the baby comes along. I am sure you remember well, how busy it is with small children. But those times fly by quickly and the children soon grow up and are doing their own thing.

I hope Melina and the rest of Ken's family are feeling well now. that must have been a bad bug.

Well it is time to give myself the kick and start painting!

I wish you a great day today...with little pain for Larry.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

A miserable rainy day
lots of football.

love mom