Saturday, November 4, 2017


Snow before the leaves have fallen, but now that I think of it I do not think these leaves fall off.

More snow today but very tiny flakes that do not stick on the ground.  Felt very cold.

So next we went out shopping for some warm shirts and sweaters. 
We went to the Second Hand Store and dad got a couple of warm shirts.
My seaters were so cheap I picked up about five.
Next week they may go back again.

I am thankful we do not have to shovel snow at this time.

I helped dad clean up the garage and did not go for a walk.

I have this little spurt of energy first thing in the morning and then I crash and burn.

Dad has more energy but his feet soon start hurting.
It really takes the two of us to take care of home and garden.

No gardening for me today.

We talked to Tasha for a long time about Celiac disease which she now has although she has not had the colon test yet but she wants to find out just how much damage there is.

It was through prayer that I was lead to go to the doctor who found out what was wrong with me.
It was through prayer that I was given the strength and the hope to endure and carry on the best I could.

Going on a gluten free diet is not easy.  Years ago I was told that Rice Krispies were okay as were corn flakes and oatmeal.  Now a days they are finding gluten hidden in many places.  Since I was sick for many years I improved very little.  I got discouraged and would cheat on occasion.
I am much more careful now and trying to eat healthy meals but do not find that easy.  I need help with preparation and clean up.

We did a good deed today giving a lady from Africa a ride home from the second hand store.  She is visiting her son and his family.  I guess we looked like a couple she could trust.

Hockey game now and next it is Heartbeat.  After all it is Saturday night.  Next  we turn back our clocks,

My prayer will continue to be for my family as each one is precious to us!  Tonight and every night.


Sandra said...

I did not get out in the garden either, it was just too cold. Instead we headed over to Lowes and spent way too much money on Christmas decorations, looking forward to wowing the grandkids.

So has Tasha started to change her diet?


nancy-Lou said...

awe, that is too bad about Tasha having Celiac disease. Is it just a sensitivity or full blown Celiac? The diet is hard, isn't it Beth? Most of the things we really like, we cannot eat.
She should see a dietician. I saw him twice and it really helped me. It is covered in our Medicare in Manitoba. Not sure about BC.

Yes, I sure do know where you are coming from when you say it takes the two of you to look after your home. It is a struggle for me now that our son, Bob, has moved to Selkirk. He always helped us a lot. Carl cannot do anything....his hands are pretty much useless now, they are so crippled with arthritis. He drops a lot of things and spills coffee and tea all over...just makes for more mess. But it isn's his fault. So it was I, who was out shovelling snow today and digging the car out. I still have to go out again and shovel the ramp and deck and a path around the back yard for our dogs. They are small and can't get around well in the deep snow.

I hope it isn't going to be a tough winter for you folks on the coast. It is going to be an old fashioned winter here...lots of snow and cold.

I was very fortunate to sell four paintings to one of my clients and he said they will buy more. They were all my larger and more expensive paintings. He has done well with his business. I would much rather deal with a man any day, than a woman when it comes to buying art! It was so easy...

Now I am inspired to paint more!

I was out feeding the birds and noticed that there were paw prints on the living room windows of Mr. Bear. He was standing up on his hind legs with his front legs on the window looking it. Also on the siding on the house...there were muddy prints. I think he was trying to reach the bird feeders the one night I forgot to take them in. He made off with a peanut ring and two fat cages and destroyed a bird feeder. Darn it all anyway. Our neighbour is deathly afraid of him and want us to stop feeding the birds...but I do take everything in at dusk...except for that one night.
I told her the bear is more afraid of you ....just respect him and stay out of his way.

I hope you have a lovely sunday and get out for a drive soon, Beth...with you driving! You can do it! YUPPERS!

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

We are back to winter at the moment, very cold winds , about 12c. No show but it feels colder as it was in th slow 30’s last week. Tomorrow is a public holiday here in Melbourne. It’s the Melbourne cup horse race. The kids are having a long weekend as they didn’t go to school today (Monday) as most kids stay home with the holiday on Tuesday. Jasmine was sick all last week , Melina is now not feeling well now. I am on late shifts until Wednesday.
Ps how about those Canucks !!

Anonymous said...

We are back to winter at the moment, very cold winds , about 12c. No show but it feels colder as it was in th slow 30’s last week. Tomorrow is a public holiday here in Melbourne. It’s the Melbourne cup horse race. The kids are having a long weekend as they didn’t go to school today (Monday) as most kids stay home with the holiday on Tuesday. Jasmine was sick all last week , Melina is now not feeling well now. I am on late shifts until Wednesday.
Ps how about those Canucks !!

beth bennett said...

Yes the last game of the Canucks was exciting.

Sorry Melina is not well.
I guess in some ways it is easier to have the children at home.

How is your sleeping Ken?

Dad is trying to fix the brake lights on the car.

Not an easy task and bending over bothers his stomach.

Hope Melina recovers soon.

Love mom