Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Habits are so very hard to change.
So often I do things without thinking.

Some habits are carried over from childhood.  I was always losing my mitts and today I lost a glove walking Haiti over to the park.  I retraced my steps in the afternoon and could not find it anywhere.

I am trying to develop a good habit of cooking more vegetables and I am back eating my spinach and egg for breakfast. One of the hardest things to do is change your eating habits. I am fortunate the vegetable store is just around the corner.  I walk over first thing in the morning before Haiti arrives.  The wind  chills me to the bone.  

Dad is still working on the car.  He drove m to the Seniors Home because of the brake lights not working.  Fortunately the top light still works.  I had a good visit with several of the residents and especially with Joan, my new friend.  We are the same age but her husband has died and she broke her hip in a fall and now needs care.  We never can take for granted what we have in the present 

I am trying to make it a good habit to visit her regularly.  

I am finding it important to take note of things I do by habit and to see what needs to be changed.

I do not think I am going to advert difficulties but I may learn to grow and develop from my past experiences.  My goal is to have more energy to be able to help others.  To-morrow is Jet lag Bible study so I will put just as much energy into doing my study as if I were the leader.

I believe it is possible to let the love of Jesus shine through us to others by our words and deeds.  As a child I sang about This Little Light of Mine and I believed it.  I had a simple faith which I hope and pray I never lose.

Our lesson is the message Paul gives to the Corinthians that all believers have a ministry of caring and sharing.


Steady-as-rain said...

I hope that mitt might turn up yet. That's the worst thing, losing one, as then you hang on to the other one for months (or longer) thinking it is too good to just throw away, but it is just useless and, for me, just contributes to clutter. Then several years later I find it, think it is the missing one, and then look for the not lost one for another several year.

Spinach and eggs would be a good way for anyone to start the day. It is too bad you don't eat a little meat.

Dad does get stubborn about fixing cars. I just get to the dealership. :)



nancy-Lou said...

A strip or two of bacon would go well with the egg and spinach. I really like spinach with a poached egg...well two eggs!

isn't is odd that your very favourite mitt is the one that goes missing...now why couldn't it be that ugly old one you have had for years? I have a lovely pair of gloves my son gave to me that belonged to his wife...Melodie, who passed away a few years ago. i am afraid to wear them...in case one goes astray. Maybe we should sew on silly strings like we had when we were kids!

I am so glad you have a new friend at the seniors home, Beth. I would like to be able to do that too. If, one day, we move to a suite in the city I will most definitely visit at a home. I hope Larry soon gets those brakes fixed...not an easy chore to do.

I was out working with all the birds feeders and watering dish and fat feeders this morning and it was so lovely to have them flying around, singing their songs. The chickadees land on my toque sometimes..looking for peanuts in my hand. We feed four different types of seeds as well as fat logs and the water bowl has a heater in it. The birds often like to sit on the rim and get warm when it is really cold. We have many birds of the boreal forest. My favourites are the Red Polls. They are so jaunty with their red caps and streakd red breasts and they are so small. One has to wonder how they can survive the winter.

Watch in trees Beth...someone may have put your glove up on a branchm ready to be found.

I am cleaning up my studio getting ready for piano students who are coming after school today. We will start some Christmas music.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I love to sit and watching the little birds flying in and out of our trees in the back yard.
Time to get some bird food.
I did look up to see if anyone had found my glove.
No Rick I will not throw the one away just yet.

Love mom