Friday, November 17, 2017


                                             Laughter and Fun will revive and strengthen.

This little duck comes looking for food but we are not allowed to feed them. It will make them weaker.  It is important for dad and I to see the humor in our antic's that make us look like lunatics.
My best friends are the ones I can laugh with.  Even the IPhone does not always hear him right when he is trying to put on a message.

We both need to laugh more and complain less.  Habits!

Believe it or not I am still hearing dad's funny stories some for the first time.  Others I can correct him if he makes an error.  We do not always understand what we say to each other nor do we understand why we do certain things.  Just to keep our children guessing I guess.

We managed to get to the doctor on time with me finishing to get dressed in the car.

Dad starts his new pills tonight which may help his pain or at least make him happy.  Leah will be happy we are following her advice.

The only trouble driving was in the under ground parking at the doctor's office.  A car backing out of their stall cannot move because we are on one side and a car coming in is on the other side.  It is the worse parking lot we have ever seen.  I cannot believe they are going to actually start charging money.

It was a sunny day but too cold for dad to go far on his bike, but at least he gave it a try.

I had a short walk and will do better to-morrow.

It has been a funny day.

Time to do some serious reading.  "The Broken Road" by Richard Paul Evans.


Sandra said...

I have an appointment on Tuesday and the parking lot is what I always dread.

My vet suggested just half a pill for peanut and I tried that last night, and while the side affects where not as bad it is obvious we will have to go back to her old estrogen.

Oh, has dad seen he won something on the house lottery? I believe it is a knife set.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, it is good to laugh and have perspective.

I think I will avoid this terrible parking lot. I have trouble enough in the ordinary ones.

All the snow melted here, which makes all the shoveling seem a bit pointless.

The new buyers for the house come by today.



nancy-Lou said...

Oh boy, those doctor's clinic parking lots can be dreadful. The underground one at the major hospital in Winnipeg is a nightmare....and there never is enough handicap parking. Poor Carl has to walk over curbs and watch for traffic coming down the ramp...ridiculous. Plus they charge $5 an hour. How much do they charge at your clinic? I head in Toronto they charge $15 an hour. I am glad that it turned out Ok for you and Larry. good friend Gina came for a visit today and she wasn't inside the door before we started to was so funny...she showed me an app on her phone for the library so I got my iPad and was going to download the app and we both couldn't remember the name and we started laughing again...honestly...there just is something about her that makes me laugh...we are goofy! When we paint together it is crazy...we play all the old music and get up and dance to Elvis and then go back to painting and then get up and dance again...I guess that is what good friends are for.
Laughter is good medicine1

Larry has some really good stories! I have read some of them on his blog. I bet they are a lot better when he is telling them in person...they are great on the blog, though! Don't get me wrong!

Carl was regaling the roofers with his old stories, when they came in for coffee. One time he was flying up north in a plane that was held together with baling wire. They hit a blizzard and had to land on the lake. The pilot cut down a sapling and put it under the skis so they didn't freeze to the lake. Then they headed off to a trappers cabin.
When they got there the trapper wasn't very hospitable but gave them coffee in mugs that hand't been washed all winter..lots of crud in them.
Eventually they made it to the town they were going to by snowmobile.

Awe, poor Peanut. I really feel for Sandra and Peanut. it is just so darned hard when our beloved pets get old and are not well. I send hugs to Sandra and Peanut too. Hope for better times for both.

It is very cold and the freezing rain has made a thick crust on the snow making it very hard to walk outside. The snow is packed down unevenly around the house from the roofers and it all is hard, which twists my ankles every which way. it will stay like this until spring now. Just have to be careful going out to feed the birds.

Good for Larry trying something new for his painful feet and legs. I hope it works well.

I am trying to get the budgies to go in their cage and they do not want to...I guess I will have to catch them in a towel. they have been out all day. they really enjoy it, but I think they should be in their cage at nighttme. There are it takes a while!

I remember we often stayed in Kamloops overnight on our way to Vancouver Island.....this is in January. sometimes it could be very cold...-21C with lots of snow and other times it would be mild...7C. I thought it was so pretty there. We would stay at the motels high up on the hill and the rooms overlooked the city below.

I have three bad budgies who are like toddlers and refusing to go to bed...hmmmm I have chased them around with a towel to no success. They are laughing at me as they sit atop of the venetian blind. so I think I will give them more time. Bad budgies!

Have a good sleep tonight...

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Sandra what time is your appointment on Tuesday?

I have one about 1:30. Remember the time you and Randy and dad and I were there all at the same time but did not know it.

Nancy that was a great story Carl told.

I did not know budgies would be so much fun.

Rick do not put your snow shovel away just yet.

Dad has had a quiet day to day.

The new meds. will take time to take effect.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

The three bad budgies stayed out of their cage all night. They slept on top of the venetian blind. It was like a three ring chasing after them with a towel and I swear those little devils were laughing at me. 'haha you missed again'.

I did catch two of them and put them in the cage and was chasing Tweety around and the next thing I knew the budgies flew out of the cage and I was back to three! Now I know to close the cage door.

I am glad you enjoyed Carl's story....I didn't tell you the end part. A snowmobiler came along and he said he would take Carl and the other carpenter to the town. BUT only one could fit on the snowmobile behind the driver, so poor Carl had to ride in the sled over stumps and all kinds of things...he got tossed every which way! The pilot flew out the plane after the blizzard.

They named the trapper,"the mad trapper" he was eery...with eyes that looked right through you. I don't think the men were anxious to have to spend a night there!