Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Free to enjoy a walk with Haiti on a sunny day.  May be the last sunny day for a while.

Freedom to turn on our taps and enjoy watching the water come rushing out.  Yes he new pipe has been connected and the dirt put back in and the cement power washed.  It all looks so good.  The price was reasonable which was a bonus.

Free to drive my car.  I phoned and was told that I was not under a suspended license.  The miracle was I actually, finally got through to a human being  and he was able to free me from the past mistakes!  They had received all the papers that were needed. I am thankful that I finally got through and now know where I stand.

Free to go at life with my own pace knowing that perfect health will not be my goal anymore but I am free to be happy anyway.

Freedom is the main message of the Bible.  We get into messes and have to be set free.
We sin and have to be set free.  Freedom comes with forgiveness!  Timing is important too!


Sandra said...

Sounds like a good day all round, lots of good news.

I was planning on working when I got home, but after a bit of lunch I fell asleep and then was just too unmotivated to go at it after I woke up.

Randy on the other hand was full of vim and vinegar and was just buzzing around doing this and that, even got the grass cut.


nancy-Lou said...

You are having a very freeing day, Beth! Wasn't that good news about your drivers licence? I cannot imagine not having one...especially when we live so far away from the city. Very happy for you.

So glad too, that you and Haiti were able to get out for more walks. It is a win, win situation for you and Haiti isn't it? she gets to have some company during the day and you get to have fun with her.

I am still on a tear with clearing out the crawl space...from years of storing stuff we don't need. But I can only work in there for short periods of time because I have to bend over at a 90 degree angle and my back grumbles.

Tomorrow I and off to Winnipeg to pick up some paintings and get paid for the ones the fellow bought. He seems to be in a dither about framing them so I may offer to do that for him. I don't do much framing anymore. I used to do all my own framing..but it is labour intensive...and not easy to do when you are older and have to work with heavy and big stuff.

We are off to Winnipeg tomorrow. Our Son will drive and give me a break. The roads aren't the best and we often like to combine appointments and go together. Saves on gas too.

I wish you a good day and a good walk too,

Love, Nancy