Thursday, November 2, 2017


Sometimes I even forget how prickly this thorns can be.  The jab into your skin and will not let go.

I can even forget how forgetful I can be.

Dad invited our neighbor Ken over for coffee but he forgot and went and had a nap instead.
His health is getting worse and his wife says he would not be able to walk down the driveway.
They have been such good neighbors.  Now dad has to eat all the sticky buns he bought by himself.

I wonder why my eggs are not cooking and then realize I forgot to turn the burner on

I am writing myself more and more little notes so I do not forget things, like names and appointments etc.

I am thankful the computer reminds me that our books are due.  Dad suggests I should drive but it is raining hard and I will try another day.

I have forgotten what a chore cleaning our kitchen cupboards can be until I tackled them in the morning.

I soon got tired and decided to bake a cake with the new duck eggs.  Should be the best cake ever!  Well I was beating the batter with firm determination when the bowl flew off the table and landed up side down on the floor.

Forget about the germs I say to myself and scrape it up and put it in the oven.  I am the only one that will eat it so I figure that's okay.

Oops!  I forgot how clumsy I can be!

I would like to forget all the cruelty and injustice and torture that is going on in my world right now. Everyday another disaster.

Scripture reminds us that God hears the cries of the oppressed and He challenges us to hear and to do His will.  To forget this and to fail to do our part is to break the relationship between ourselves and God.

Dad drove to the library and then to do our shopping.

It is cold and rainy and I have so much to be thankful for and I hope I never forget this!

                                                     Our Library.


nancy-Lou said...

Gosh, you made me laugh Beth, with your firm determination and the bowl flew off and landed upside down! haha...scraped it up and baked it. Hey, I won't tell if you don't tell!

That reminds me of the time we were checking out in Safeway and Carl lifted a luscious Black Forest Cake from the cart and promptly flipped it over and it fell on the floor....oh oh....he took one look and beat it our of the store and left me there with all the mess. Whatta guy!

it is a good thing there are two of you, as there are here. if one forgets the other can remind them! I nearly forgot to take in the bird feeders and the fat cage...and I am sure Mr. Bear will do his nightly calling. Carl reminded me and I had to go out in the dark...but I am not worried about the bear because he is really scared of me.

Isn't it nice to have the convenience of computers and cell phones etc....Today I was texting with a friend who lives in Florida and then with her sister who lives in Denver and they with her Dad who lives in Denver too...all in the space of a few minutes. Sometimes I sit back and think how far we have come with technology since we were young...amazing isn't it?
it used to be such a big deal for us to take the train out to the coast once a year to visit my great aunts. We never thought of flying...that was for the rich. Nowadays people fly with such ease..almost like taking a bus downtown. The world has become so much smaller and people travel all over.

I sure am glad you can drive Beth. I know when you drive the first time you will be a little nervous, but it will be 'like riding a bicycle' you will remember what to do! I am cheering for you.

We hang out suet logs that the butcher in Selkirk makes for the birds. they are about 8 inches long and the beef fat is wrapped around a coat hanger. The birds go crazy over it so wwe have to hang out two or there is a fight. Especially between the woodpeckers...we have three varieties of them. The little one is called the Downy Woodpecker, the medium size one is The Hairy Woodpecker and the large one is called the Pileated Woodpecker.

winter has arrived early and it looks like it is here to stay with an overnight temperature of -12. almost need to plug in the car. I found the extension we are ready!

It was another good day today...I wish you both a lovely evening,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

The egg man brought a couple dozen of chicken eggs in yesterday, so I will bring you one today after the dentist. Did you get much snow there overnight? I hope it melts so I can do my gardening this weekend.

Yesterday was very confusing at work because I kept thinking it was Monday and so I thought it was the 6th and thought I was way behind in my work. I got pretty much caught up by working 10 hours and missing the worst traffic going home. The rain was not too bad, not like the downpour it had been most of the day.


Carol said...

What you guys got snow already! wow.

I love that yellow rose bush.

Yes funny post.

Steady-as-rain said...

I think the cake thing was perfectly fine. After all, it is going to be baked at 400 degrees and that will take care of any pesky floor germs (which probably weren't much anyway)!

Lots of snow in Kamloops, but it is deep in some spots and none in others due to the heavy winds. Don't think our snow will be melting anytime soon, according to the weather forecast.

I forget lots of things, including forgetting to look at the notes reminding me not to forget!



beth bennett said...

I almost forgot to look for comments,

Love mom