Friday, November 3, 2017


The first early morning view out our bedroom window.  During the night I got up and looked out and saw the snow so I asked dad did he know it had snowed.  He just mumbled.
Lucky me I will get to have Haiti go for a walk with me.  Kim is off to school and we will visit later.
Sandra also came for a visit but refused to have her picture taken.
Understandably because she was just back from the dentist.
I should have taken a picture of her clean teeth!
She and Randy had a blast visiting in Edmonton with Shawna and Stephen and the boys.
They came home with tons of candy so heavy they could hardly carry it.
Randy was a Big Hit!
Too bad they could not stay for Shawna's birthday on the 4th.

No practise driving today because of the snow and the car brake lights are not working.  Dad worked in the cold of the garage to try and find the problem.  Then he went on the inter-net.  Yes, we wonder how we got along with all these modern devices.

We also got a call from Ron Ateah, bless his heart, to see how our water problems were working out.
It was good to chat with him.  We have never made it over for a visit which is one of our regrets.
All things considered the past has been a blast in many ways.  So many good memories.

Now I wondered about the world I am living in but I think the important things is for me to concentrate on what kind of person I am becoming.  I want to be cheerful and caring able to forget about my problems and listen to others.

Sure I grumbled to myself at times when things take an extra effort.

Why do I write this blog?  I want to communicate with others what has given my life value and meaning.  I want us to communicate as a family too.

"Be content and calm about where you are,
Be at peace with who you are."
-Kathy Eldon  


Sandra said...

It was nice to see that the snow was gone by the afternoon, but still very cold out, had a scarf and touque on for my evening walk. Trying to get Peanut ready for the time change, got her to sleep in till 5:30.

Have not checked the weather forecast yet but hope to get out and do some gardening today.


beth bennett said...

Gardening in the snow?

Have fun"

Love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

I've been traveling to Regina-Calgary-Edmonton-Calgary-Kamloops over the last few days. Spent many hours just sitting in airports.

Anyway, I'm glad the water situation eventually got solved!

I think the snow we got here in Kamloops will be around for several weeks, at least! I have to go and shovel the driveway (or else nobody without 4 wheel drive can get up it), but I stuck my nose out the door, but it was too cold. I will wait an hour or two.

I'm glad you have Haiti to go on your walk with you.

And that is super good news you got your drivers licence situation clarified!

I am still recovering from the many hours spent last weekend getting the Reply in to the Human Rights Branch more or less on time.



nancy-Lou said...

YIKES....SNOW ALREADY? My goodness it almost look like it does here. You got quite a bit of snow. We received about 6 inches since early this morning. BUT ours is here to stay. It is early for us, but I expected it to be an early winter with all the signs of nature pointing the way.

Lovely pictures of Kim and Haiti...they both are pretty girls aren't they? I am so glad Haiti gets to spend some time with you and Larry.

We are glad to stay home now for a few days..although I am concerned about Carl because he is having dizzy spells and almost falling. We talked about this with our doctor two weeks ago so he is aware. We may have to go and see him again.
The highways today were very bad and the top speed limit was 40kms. it took a friend twice as long to get home today. The plows and sanding trucks usually don't come out until it has stopped snowing.

Thank you for writing you blog and thanks to your family who often show the same humour as you have and make me chuckle too! I really enjoy seeing how much you all care for each other...warms my heart! Thank you for allowing me to butt in!

Well I am off to watch more blood and gore on the Game of is a good thing that stuff doens't bother me. i told my friend Susan ...DO NOT WATCH IT. She has an active imagination and would never sleep.

Have a good evening you two!

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

We are very blessed to have such a special family.

We laugh together and we worry together and sometimes cry together!

Thanks Nancy.

Love beth