Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Prayer is life changing!

Dad and I visited our friend Vera who has stories of life changing events in her family.
Prayers asking for help were answered.
For me I made a wonderful connection 
I am thankful to know someone who has faith there is a loving presence that is with us.

After our visit we took her to the hospital for a radiation treatment.  Her appointment was for 3:45 but because a machine broke down she did not get in until 5.  Vera is now home but in pain so she needs our prayers.

Both dad and I were very tired by the time we arrived home.  I know that I was meant to call her today.  God answers our prayers through our care for one another.

There is always hope where there is prayer.

I am holding up Melina and Ken in my prayers as she continues to be very sick with throwing up and diarrhea, so sick she can hardly stand.  I am praying that God will guide them and help them to get to the bottom of the problem so that her love for others will continue to be a blessing.

Sickness takes us into a place of uncertainty and distress.  The amazing thing is that God"s love can meet us there as we pray for one another.  We are all learning to walk by faith by the light we are given for each day.

I started out the day extremely sad for Carol who has given up her dream to be an on-line counselor.
She put her heart and soul in to it and it appears she was cheated,

Healing prayers are being sent their way!

As we as prayers for the rest of the family.


Anonymous said...

Melina is a bit better , back to the Doctor again. Matthew was up vomiting last night, but he was fine this morning and went to school.
Matthew and I are off to see the new Batman movie tomorrow. Melin and jasmine don’t want to go.

beth bennett said...

I hope Melina continues to recover.

Praying for you all.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

That was very kind of you to take Vera to her appointment. What a long time to wait though...almost two hours and then she had to receive her treatment, so you must have been there for a least three hours. That is exhausting isn't it?

So sorry to hear that Carol's on line business isn't working out. It is really disappointing when we put so much into something and it fails. But as Carol knows, I am sure, it is all a learning process for us and we always grow from things that haven't worked. I send hugs to Carol.

My budgies are flying around my head as I type in the studio. I never thought I would enjoy them as much as I am! They are great company and so cheery.

The roofers are here and I have to give them a cheque so have to run,

have a great day,

Love, Nancy