Friday, November 10, 2017


                        Soon the trees will be bare and barren and the job of raking begins.                                It is milder outside and the fresh air is invigorating.
Dad has now got the car back together and that is good.

Every day this past week has felt like Saturday.  Saturday has a certain feel to it.  A day to tackle jobs around the house or garden.   My job today is raking leaves and putting them in brown bags.  I will do a bag or two every  day. I remember as a kid raking leaves and my brother coming along and jumping in the pile and spreading them all over again.  Yes, brothers can be a bit of a tease.

November can be a dull month and thank goodness there are good things to celebrate like birthdays and anniversary's.  My faith tells me there is a reason for each season of nature and of daily life.  Dull days help us look for sunshine in our relationships.

"A faith is necessary to a man or woman
Woe to the one who believes in nothing."
-  Victor Hugo


Sandra said...

Last week every day felt like Monday to me. Poor Randy has had every shift this week, days, afternoons, graveyards and he is finishing it off with a double today. The management is in full on war with the foreman now, so much so that the union president and vice president have taken over the shop Stewart positions so the company has to deal with them. There are so many ways for them to save money, this is not one of them.


nancy-Lou said...

The days of leaves falling and raking are long gone until next fall, here. We are covered with a blanket of white stuff and we received more again last night. i will have to go out and do some more shoveling.

Our bird feeding station is very busy. I go out as soon as I get up and feed them and they are all waiting for me. it was very stormy yesterday and last night. We have a wonderful variety of birds...all colours. The Evening Grosbeaks are yellow and black and look like they are all dressed up for a party. Their cousins, are the Pine Grosbeaks and they are a soft red colour with some grey. Large birds. We have 8 Blue Jays and of course they are beautiful shades of blues and black. We have the red breasted nut hatch who is small and very pretty too. Lots of colours. AND lots of very hungry birds.

Today I am working on finishing a commission piece that has to be delivered on Monday when we go to the city for Carl's appointment with the rheumatologist. Our son will come in with us.

It is going to be another great day!

Love, nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear about Randy and all the shift changes and problems with the union and management. I remember the problems the paper mill in Pine Falls had....the union wouldn't back down on wage demands and the company Tembec, closed the mill. Also the workers lost a lot of pension money. Most had to move away, and sell their homes for very little. Our daughter in law Melodie was one of those who lost their job. But she started Ateah Realty and because a great success. Luckily she lived here at VB.

It was such a sad time and still is because the town of Pine Falls has become just a shadow of itself. Being a company town it was beautifully cared for years ago. Now the houses are worth nearly nothing and they are becoming shambles of what they were.

I hope things work out for Randy and the company he works for..i am sure they will. what I talk about is a rare thing!

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I wish I knew the names of birds like you do Nancy.

Shift changes are hard on all the family.

I hope Melina is over the flu and Jasmine too.

That is good your son will go with you Nancy.

We are off to Ben's game at U.B.C. in the morning.

Do not know if it will be raining or not.

Good to see Theresa and Morgan too.

Dad will have to get up earlier.

I am excited!

Love Beth