Saturday, February 24, 2018


Thanks for the visit Ken!

We sure appreciate you!

A long and grueling trip here and back again but the drive over rough snowy roads went well.

There were some stressful times but mostly happy memories.  Not an easy time for you.  Some difficult questions needed asking.

Thankfully we share the same values, of home and family, and even our differences can bring us closer o understanding each other.  Ken,we think your family all six of them are great!

Your visit played an important role in our lives especially helping me heal!

Thank you for cooking breakfast, and doing our shopping, and taking out the garbage and visiting the Care Homes with us.  This was a great support for us.  Thanks for cheering on the athletes and hockey players with us.  Much more fun with you here.

We are blessed to have you as a son!  We love you lots!

Life continues o be a learning experience for us all.


nancy-Lou said...

It sounds a lot like our family too, Beth. If you really care, you ask the tough questions and help resolve things...much like when we have is easy to turn a blind eye and hope things work out...but if you really care you talk and look for ways to help them, right? I think when we become happens in reverse?

You have a wonderful son, to travel half the way around the world to come and visit and help out his Mom and Dad. Well done Ken! I know the rest of your family help a lot too and are kind and loving..many blessings!

Today is almost like a spring day...the temperatures are almost at 0C and the water is starting to drip off the roof in the strong sun. The sun is so much stronger now...have you noticed or has it not been appearing out there on the coast? We noticed when we were driving into Winnipeg yesterday that it was so strong coming in the windshield that we didn't need the heater on in the car.

BUT...these lovely warm days usually mean there is 'payback' coming soon. YUP. I heard this morning that we could have a good old fashioned snow storm in a week or so. March is a fickle month and one of the most dramatic as winter starts to give way to spring. it is a real tug of war.

I do notice signs of the squirrels not fighting and eating together...hmmmm

Are you going to watch the closing ceremonies for the Olympics tomorrow? We will be watching. I just have to find out what time it is.

I wish you a wonderful day today and if you are walking please be careful if that snow and ice are still there.

Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thanks Nancy,
Your comments always help.
Yes we have a wonderful family.
Lots of snow here today and rhe sun is very bright.
Larry and I just had a long nap.
I do not know how Ken does it.
Love beth

Sandra said...

Being a family and caring is not always easy. Sometimes it is hard to evaluate our own motives and opinions and get down to the basics. I think we all can agree that while we may see a different path on how to get there, we just want the best for you and dad.

I had a lazy day, I had been up since 4 am so had no energy to do anything much. Had a bank appointment and that was about it.

It has been hard on Peanut walking in the deep snow and I think her knees hurt a lot at night as she is very restless. Good to see it melting already this morning. Just need some good hard rain to help that along.


beth bennett said...

Poor Penut.
Glad you hada restful day Sandra!
