Saturday, April 7, 2018


I am literally closing the door of the small bedroom where I have been reliving the past with pictures and letters and writings that both dad and I have done.  It is interesting but I have had enough for a day or so.

I was happy to also shut the front door after managing to have a walk before another downpour started.  I was dressed ready for the rain.

This past week has gone by so fast.  We went and visited Vera who is a delightful story teller and then had a visit with Diane here.  Both have been very active in our church, which is now a heritage building, with a rich past history.

One minister rode a bike into to church to make a point of Jesus riding on a donkey.

I am thankful for the gift of laughter and that laughter is apart of our services now.

Our new minister ends the service by reminding us we are wrapped in arms of love, the love of Jesus.

I know he has been with me in the past and I believe he will continue to be present especially when I pray for all my loved ones.  They are dear to my heart and I know they are dear to His.

I pray that Sandra will have a safe journey home.

I remember when dad and I flew from Regina to here after our wedding it was extremely bumpy.

So excited and so in love!


nancy-Lou said...

It would really make a statement if the minister rode into church on a donkey!

Sometimes I get lost in the past too Beth. I look in the drawers where letters and photos etc are stored...just looking for one thing and hours can fly by. I lost pretty much every photo and old letters etc when my parents house had the fire. The few things I have are blackened at the edges and they smelled like smoke for years. Lost all my certificates from the Toronto conservatory of stuff. I think about it at times.

Did you go for your walk in the cold rain? I would be tempted to cancel as well. It has been so cold here that I haven't been taking the dogs out for a walk...the wind chills have been in the -30's. Ridiculous weather...about 15C below normal.

I have been busy organizing my art classes and workshops..I planned for 8 in all. that will take me through to June. New people are signing up for the intro to watercolour classes, which is good...i really like to share my love of watercolour and to meet new people as well.

Did Sandra arrive home yesterday? My goodness she will be tired...that is a lot of work. But it is all done now and Mary and the children can get on with their new life.

Have you ever had a B12 injection? I had one about three weeks ago and feel so much better. lots more energy...which is so welcome as I am busy. I have two more vials of it and get another shot next week...I get one a month. I will see my favourite doctor...DR. Bassily, the one from Egypt. I could have the nurse give me the shot...but I like to see him. I need to talk to him anyway. He is at Pine Falls hospital which is only a 25 minute drive. one way.
They had a code orange at the hospital and nursing home and clinic the other day. Everything was locked down. First time ever. Apparently a meth addict went nuts...I don't know the details...but it was hours before the code was cancelled. RCMP were there.

I have been so upset about the tragic bus crash with the Humbolt Broncos hockey team...I cried so many times yesterday when watching the news I saw one of the boys who was killed playiing a Beethoven sonata at a concert...both Carl and I were is almost unbelievable that something like that can tragic.

the Blue Jays play soon so i had better go and finish my work...we watch all their games.

Did you watch Brad Gushue and his curling team last night? they were curling in the semi final for the world's title. It was so exciting..and the right team won although I sure felt sorry for the Scots who curled an excellent game as well.

Have a great day,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

What a tragedy to lose your picture sand certificate
also the Humbolt hockey tram.
Brought tears to our eyes.

Yes I go in the pouring rain but I dress for it.

Love Beth