Saturday, April 21, 2018


One minute I have lots of time and the next minute I only have a second to be out the door to be on time.  Looking back over our lives it seems that even the years have flown by with many beautiful memories.  I choose to remember the positive that gives me hope and inspiration.

My morning went by quickly yesterday as I shopped and got ready for Leah and Astrid dropping by.  Once they arrive all I want to do is hold Astrid and look into her beautiful eyes and listens to the little noises she is staring to make.  Even her breath as she falls asleep on my shoulder touches my heart.

Dad is now good at making coffee and serving the food.

I am happy to learn Leah as had her ultrasound  and hopefully will feel better is they can correct her digestion problems.  Our bodies are wonderful when all the parts do their jobs.

Leah and Craig are changing jobs nest month. as she goes out to work and he stays at home taking care of their precious babies.  They both will be very busy.

We are fortunate in life if we are able to do what we love doing because even this can be difficult.and challenging. But that being said life takes Effort and Hard Work/

I am fortunate that from my early childhood I was a believer and found this gave my life deeper meaning.  Religion is now changing because with modern knowledge we look at scripture differently and the message of the church also has to that the unbelievable is transformed into a living faith that is humble but strong, realistic and yet mystical!

Time is already flying this morning and it will soon be time to leave for dinner at Sandra and Randy's!


nancy-Lou said...

what a lovely little pond. Is this in your yard Beth? it would bring lots of enjoyment.

Yes, time sure does fly by in a hurry, especially when you are a senior.

I bet there will be some cute photos of Leah and the babies today on your blog! I am looking forward to seeing them. How cute those little girls are! They sure must keep their parents busy looking after them.

Our community is banding together to support our fire chief who was fired with no notice on tuesday. He has been our fire chief for over 30 years. There is going to be a walk in support of him tomorrow...and I know there will be over a hundred people there...all permanent residents. I think he was fired for non communication with the CAO of the RM. Apparently there was a power struggle. Sad that it couldn't have been worked out...he is a good man. There is talk of firing all the council and the CAO...but how the tax payers can do that is a good question.
The fire fighters are saying they will so on strike or walk out on we are worried with the fire season here and the lake still frozen. The fire departments from other areas will cover...but that is a long ride least 20 minutes. Plus the first responders for medical calls will not be available and the ambulance it 30 minutes away. So it is really a dangerous time.

today, spring officially arrived overnight with a major migration of birds. We awoke to the songs of many hungry birds. when I went out to feed them, the songs were almost heavenly. The purple finches were warbling their throaty song and the juncoes were going tsk tsk tsk as they ate seeds...the pine siskins were singing their quiet song and the two glossy grackles were too busy to say a thing...usually it is a rusty screech. The geese in the march were honking and making their quieter sounds too...such a blessing to live here.

I wish you a lovely day too, Beth. I hope the weather is nice and you and Larry can get outdoors and enjoy it too.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

My morning was all rushing. First get Peanut her walk in before I had to leave at 7:30 to walk to Pilates. Then walk home and right away get Randy in the yard to help me move his whale topararey into the back yard and move some other stuff then quick shower and out the door to do our running around. I guess I should start on supper soon.


beth bennett said...

I will take a picture of the whale.

I have never heard of that.

Enjoyed our dinner very much.

U and Randy are a good team!

Yes Nancy that is our little pond and the birds love it too.

Love Mom