Sunday, August 22, 2010


My hero loves holding babies and telling stories and yes making dramatic rescues and doing impossible things. I have not had many opportunities to perform courageous acts but I did have four babies. We had decided three were enough but were thrilled when Kenny completed our little family; joining Rick, Carol and Sandra.

What a blessing for each one of them to have a loving daddy who was a good role model too!

We disagree about a lot of things, especially about religion. We argue at times about who is right. He fixes things and I am good at breaking them. He is learning to find things which is important in this home where things get put in different places regularly. He is a sleepy head while I am an early riser and if we go for a walk I like to walk at a fast pace and he goes slower. That is why walking in the woods is good because we have to walk crawling over tree stumps and rocks.

He loves maps but I find them confusing. We both can get a little lost on the big water-shed trails.

We now have our different health problems. He has skin cancer, numbness in his feet, and eye problems which I am so thankful I do not have.

We both like to write but he can be very serious about social problems or he can tell funny unbelievable stories. He has trouble believing them himself!

Our family are the most important love of our lives. I had the idea of putting this picture on not realizing his head was not there. He is holding Ava's baby. We miss our families that live far away from us but we are happy they are doing well.

We have faced tragedy and sickness together and given each other courage by our support. Life can be unpredictable so I am thankful we have each other. Our courage and our strengths come in different ways.

We have learned that somethings in life are beyond a quick fix. Happiness flows in and out of our daily lives. We have been influenced by our past mistakes but hopefully are taking more responsibility for our futures. This entales doctors and tests etc.

We can only change ourselves and that takes changing our attitudes and sometimes our re-actions.

We both like Engish mysteries so enjoy snuggling up to watch them. Neither one of us can remember ones we have seen before although dad often says I think we have seen this one. I always say no I don't think so. We take turns being right.

If I could chose one thing to believe about Jesus it would be his taking the children on his knee and welcoming them. Also the picture of him going looking for the lost sheep and carrying it on his shoulder is a powerful picture of love.
I have had times of great feelings of brokenness and loneliness which if I do not look into my soul and admit I am left with anger and bitterness.

Being a Christian does not mean that life will be free of worry and anxiety. Religion has promised us a false security and that is why people turn away from God and the church and faith. Well, it may be one reason. Our feelings reveal what is going on deep within us and often our dreams reveal what we have buried deep within us.

This is the beginning of our transformation; and without some pain in our lives we would never be willing to change and to grow.
Life gives us many things to laugh and joke about and many times of overwhelming happiness.

Today going to church gives me happiness as we sing and pray and spending time at the beach with the family also will give me great joy. I enjoy watching the young ones run and play and laugh. Somehow I believe God enjoys seeing us happy too!

Hero's are not perfect but they can be love able!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written mom.