Monday, October 11, 2010


I was not thankful, in fact I was miserable.  Our second thanksgiving was a can of beans and maybe an apple.  The day was cold damp and dreary and I was missing my family a lot.  I had been learning to make our  money stretched but this holiday came just before payday and there just was no extra.  Our precious little dog Dusty had also been run over and he had been such good company for me.

I had things to be thankful for, our healthy baby boy, a car, your dad had a job and we had a place to live.  We went for a drive after our dinner of beans and I remember gazing at the houses I saw with the windows all steamed up and groups of happy people inside.

One thing I have learned if you want to be unhappy compare yourself with others.

I knew that I could trust that life would improve not only because of faith in God
 "a personality that peaks behind the mystery of the unknown"
but also trusting that with hard work and using the skills we had been given our lives would improve.  I do not know where I got that quote from but I trust that there is meaning in it for others as well as myself.  Learning to trust is something I am doing.

Years later our son Rick would cook dinner for us and we throughly enjoyed it!

I am thankful for all the good things we have in our life now.  Just to be with family today will be a blessing.
Good health, good friends and the ability to give to others whether it is a small gift to the food bank or being able to cheer some one else's life up with a visit and receiving their appreciation.

Yes, that was our worst thanksgiving and the one I remember so strongly.  It has been replaced by ones of great joy, like when Sandra and Randy surprised us by getting married on Thanksgiving Day.  What a surprise!  We were in their home in Fort Saskatchewan and who should arrive to join our family group but a lady marriage person.  Perfect timing because all the family was there.  Randy's parents and children and Sandra's children.  I was so happy that these two had found each other and would now share the rest of their lives committed to each other.

Being thankful for what one has is good for the soul.  As a Christian I thank to .  God for each day, a gift of grace. 

The parable of the good samaritan is one that teaches us to see those less fortunate than ourselves and not be so busy with our activities that we forget those less fortunate.  I admire those who will be making dinner for the homeless and I am reminded that it is the little acts of kindness that people ofen remember.

I miss the grandchildren and my children who will not be with us today but I am happy that their lives are going well.  Dad and I are thankful to have each other.  I am trying to take my cell phone with me so he won't worry when he does not know where I am.  So in Chapters he phones to find me in the store and I am right behind him. 

The other lesson that I am learning is to give up trying to control.  I always have an ides or a plan for my day but if it does not work out I am still grateful especially for the unexpected surprises.

An open heart, a generous spirit, a little extra in my purse to give away, being thoughtful and kind make gratitude much easier. 

I am thankful that as a Christian I walk in grace, which is unmerited and abundant and flows continually into our lives and all I need to do is receive it..
I am truly thankfun for all the prayers that have been answered!
Happy Thanksgiving all!


larry bennett said...

I dont remember the beans or thanksgiving dinner at all .
But I have often remembered the drive around richmond that evening and seeing the homes with the steaming windows and happy people inside - and vowing to myself that we would be out of our rundown shack and into a real home soon. It was so lonley having no family - hardly any money - a run down car - only our little family which in fact was a blessing and a good start to a new life. We will both feel the joy and love today with family and friends - so very important!

Pinetreeannie said...

What a sad and happy second thanksgiving for you, sad because you were missing your family and happy with what you two were sharing together and looking towards the future together. I can relate to the " having almost nothing" when we were first married too...just an old love seat, no TV and me not knowing how to cook.
BUT we will celebrate 50 years together next week and you know it has been an interesting 50 years....and I did learn how to cook! We too, will share in the love and joy of having family and friends for supper tonight. Blessings to you all. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

beth bennett said...

What good comments!

It is amazing how many things we share in commom Nancy.

Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving!

love beth

Pinetreeannie said...

Yes, it really is amazing how much we have in common and one day I would love to meet you Beth.