Sunday, October 24, 2010


It is the sunlight on the trees that give them luminosity.

There is a light that shines within us all!  This light is lit by love, by inspiration, by thankfulness, and by the beauty I see in others as well as in nature.  Yes, at times I do feel the light start to flicker within and I realize something is missing. 

What will awaken the sacred within me?

What will keep the sacred light burning

I believe that I can discover a transcendental dimensionsion of life, that I call the sacred, by the discipline of surrender, prayer and scripture reading that enables the searcher to "step outside" the prism of ego and experience the sacred.  This from Karen Armstrong in "The case for God.

Everyday I awaken now in the faint morning light knowing that the light will come.  After the dark days of solace the ancient people would gather at Stonehenge to welcome the sun.  The sun would shine perfectly through the stones and a shout of praise would go up.  Everyday is precious in the fall as we know the days will be getting darker and seem so much longer. 

I like to believe that everyday God says let there be light.  The secret is that there is His light shining even in our darkness.  The prayer of scripture is "let the light of Your face shine upon us".  Seeing the light shining through the trees with beams of brightness awakens my soul and gives me hope.  The Lord has promised to be my everlasting light and all I have to do is open my heart and receive.

I have used yellow highlight markers to brighten some of the words of scripture and it is in these words the Holy Spirit shines with purity and grace.  I would say that the Holy Spirit is the one who illuminates for me
an everlasting light.

"When the night is cloudy there is still a light"
"There is a light that shines on me"
"Let it be"

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