Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Calming thoughts

I am just trying to get my lines to start in the right place.  Success at last.  Keeping calm must be the secret.

Yes I get caught up in my own thoughts, my worries of things that I should be doing.  Today I am being calm and resting and reading.  The only trouble is that this is not good for the ego that wants to accomplish something worthwhile.  Today is a day to listen and nourish my soul.  My prayer is that the light within me will grow brighter and energy will quicken my pulse with renewed hope.

Sometimes when I visit the elderly near death it seems like they come home with me.  I realize what is important in life.  I remember the dream I had when I heard footsteps walking around in my house.  Go away I yelled and nothing changed.  I watched the door but it did not open so I opened it and yelled go away.  Then I went back to sleep.

I ask myself what am I worried about?  I am I afraid of the unknown future?

"You will lead me besides still waters.  You will restore my soul.  My cup runneth over."

I read "Every soul is a sanctuary for God.  God holds the key to many doors but he waits for us to open the door of our heart..  That is our job, to make a home for God within us."
This is from "Hope Will Find You"  by Naomi Levy a Jewish Rabbi. 
I have a soft spot in my heart for Jewish authors as they say "however", " notwithstanding", and "none the less" and "just maybe."  I find they are much more open to letting you find your own answers because the key to the puzzle of life is available.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like the sun is out in that photograph.

I also clean out the leaves from the ditches and drains so the water will flow off and not make a big puddle. In fact, I wonder sometimes who is doing this in Aschcroft now that I am gone.

