Saturday, October 16, 2010


I kike many others struggle to understand the minds and thoughts of those who wrote the Bible.  Right now the leaves are converting from green to beautiful colours of orange and red.  I have to change where I am standing to try to take a picture and I am finding that I need to change my position on scripture to continue to allow the conversion experience to become a spiritual reality that helps me to grow closer to God's love.

As I look back on my life I see the years when I was a student so anxious to learn and to become independent.  Then there were the years of marrying and raising a family so full of activity and then letting the children start off in their own journeys.  Along the way and now that a lot of responsibilities have been completed we reach out to help others.

I feel that I am in the final stage where the spiritual teachings that I began with now return to me with deeper meaning.  Life has had its moments of despair and I realize that nothing in the visible world can bring the stability of lasting happiness.

I am free from having to please others and find that the spiritual and emotional strength that has helped me overcome will be my salvation to the end.  But even with that said I am more and more aware of the abuse that endangers our lives as we fail to take care of our environment. 

Jane Goodall writes in her book, "Reason For Hope", that most of us privileged human beings live in a cocoon of material well-being and until we see our need of a strong inner being to nourish us and complete us we will continue to forget to care for the environment which includes our family, our community and our world."God is right in front of us, rather in the unique "beingness of another creature."

The best conversion experience is one that never leaves us and is a part of who we are!

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