Wednesday, October 6, 2010


We drove to the bird sanctuary called the Fen in White Rock and the first place we looked there were no birds.  They had moved to the other side but it does make you stop and think about our environment.  As human beings we are very careless with our use of water, and heat, of our land and of the animals that are becoming extinct. 

Last night we watched a show of what could happen in 2020 if we do not start to conserve what is keeping us alive.  Other civilizations have become extinct but we now have the ability to find clues in the earth of what happened and it is a warning to us of where we are heading.

Did you know that making glass products from recycled glass saves 80% of the raw material and 30% of the energy.  Recycling is a start that we can all do and even though it takes an effort we need to do it if we want to protect this place we call earth.

I am guilty of wasting water and electricity so I am going to try to use less and to use it wisely. 

We have a battery charger and rechargeable batteries.  I am amazed at how many toys call for batteries.

We take so much for granted but what if the tide did not return to fill up this beach.  Water is a precious resources that we need to be more aware when we are wasting it.  Using cold water to wash our clothes also saves energy.

We use to much paper and it is expensive and wasteful.  We have clothes now that can clean without using a cleaner so there are things that are available if we make the effort to look for them and decide to change our lifestyle a little bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well good to see you are on board with saving the planet. I guess there is always more we can do. I always feel guilty when I use warm water to wash clothes. But we do recyle everything.