Sunday, October 31, 2010


The neighborhood decorates forHallow'een

There is already a fall glow in the air.
The word hallow means to make holy and this celebration comes from the blessing the earth , reckonizing the death of nature as all the fruits of the harvest are brought in.  There was a fear that spring would not come again as the days darkened and the air cooled.  So Hallow'een is the eve that is to be considered and reminds us that it is good to be thankful and to celebrate diversity and imagination. 
Hallow also means mystery and Halloween was first developed as a ancient pagan festival celebrated and brough to our country by Scottish, Irish and Welesh immigrants. 

"The early celts saw Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 as the beginning of the winter season; of long nights and dormant fields."  Douglas Todd. 

The boundary between the dead and the living became "thin" so it was also a time for the ghosts of the past to haunt us.  A place where there were ghosts was called a thin place and has also taken on a mystical spiritual reality; and the recognition of sacred geographical locations.

I do not think that many children know that the dressing up in costumes was to ward off the dangerous ones.

So tonight we will welcome the neighborhood children to the door by giving them a little candy.  We have 1 pumpkin that has a face drawn up it but it is not been cut out.  After we saw Morgan play soccer yesterday we stopped to pick up pumpkins with Theresa, Ben and Morgan.  Theresa locked herself out of the car and we had to wait for over an hour for B.C.A. to come.  I know when I try to hurry to do things that is when I make a mess of things, losing something or just getting confused and forgetful;.  Theresa had prepared a delicious chicken soup for us when we finally got to her house.

This meant lunch was later and we were later arriving home.  Ben was disappointed we had not helped him cut out his pumpkin. 

We had gone with Carol and Panteli and we were all very tired when we left.  Dad and I got home with no time to rest before heading out to Langley for our book study.  It was a very good discussion with a lot of honesty and there was a good feeling about the book and the writer, we had chosen to study.  We discussed places where the Holy Spirit filled us with energy and light or transcendence.

:As a liberal Christian Marcus Borg thinks of a thin place as an entryway into the commonwealth of God within which, he says, "we can move and breathe and have our being,"  This is not restricted to Christians.

I had trouble sleeping because I was over-tired and this morning I slept in till 6:45 but woke up feeling nauseated.  I think we are going to the Unitarian Church where there is going to be some special music and also our friend Peale is celebrating her 91 birthday on Nov. 1.

Plans have changed I will not be going to church today.

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