Monday, October 18, 2010


We all have good intentions as we plan our days.  So many things I intend to do but just do not get around to doing.  I intended to pick up some bulbs a friend had ready to give me on the way home from church but completely forgot.  I had thought I would do some planting in the garden as the day was turning out so nice and warm.  Instead we enjoyed a visit at lunch with Sandra and Carol eating the last of the turkey left-overs made into a curry.  Rick had intended to stop by on the way into Vancouver on a work trip but he sounded over-tired and stressed as he phoned to say he would not be able to do this.

Dad had intended to do the washing up but when Glen came by they took off to Cole's soccer game.  So by the time everything was cleaned up I was ready for a nap, which is always a good thing.

Life is full of good intentions but like the wind that scatters the fallen leaves in front of me as I walk our good intentions get blown away.  Mostly they are replaced by the unexpected that bring us laughter and sharing our time in different ways.  It was good I did not plant my bulbs where I had planned because I was shown a better place.  Both Sandra and I have high hopes that next year the garden will be at it's best.  I find it hard to wait.

There was good energy at our church service that helps lift the spirits.  I am so thankful for our church family and yes my own family.  I thank God because I believe there is an all-powerful spirit that is real and yet an enduring mystery.  I have to keep trusting that there are good people in this world and that we will someday be able to conquer cancer, and violence and hatred and injustice and world hunger.

  I am reminded to do what I can where I am and with what I have.  I have lots of good intentions.


Anonymous said...

I personaly think I have to start writing my plans down so I actually force myself to do them. Too easy to sit on the couch and read when I am alone all weekend.

Anonymous said...

Adding to your last two sentences l can only say me too! Jane