Monday, October 25, 2010


Waking up this morning I see the raindrops on the windows.  Today does not look too promising as far as the sun making an appearance.  I have promised to visit an elderly friend in Hospital in White Rock.  She has no family here except for the church family.   This picture was taken as we drove home on Saturday from a funeral.  We take so much in life forgranted until it is gone.

I agree with Karen Armstrong that all true spirituality must be expressed consistently in practical compassion, the ability to feel with others.  Faith has forced me to be more aware of my feelings and to practice not only loving others but loving myself.

I ask myself how does trying to answer the difficult questions in life find a source of truth in the Bible?  Hearts can grow cold, damaged by the hurts of living, and new life awakens a stronger sense of love and mystery.  Facts and fiction become one as I read the old stories that have a powerful potential to be life changing.  Memories mean more to us as we get older and wrinkles come with the graying hair and the funny bodily changes.  Laughter helps us accept what we cannot change.  Faith gives me courage to do what otherwise i would be afraid to do.  Visiting a dying friend takes energy that gives my life meaning in the deepest posible way.

Yesterday I passed my blog book on to another friend who had been looking for ways to keep some of her families memories alive.  This was spontaneous and I was a little shy about showing it to her but she was delighted.  We never know what effect our words and actions can have on others.

Now it is time to put on the rain pants and take out the umbrella as I go for my walk in the rain picking up leaves and clearing the gutters by the road.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a very dark and rainy morning. I guess everyone will soon start looking for the weather forcast for Sunday. Tommorrow we are on the ferry to Victoria so I hope it is not too windy.

beth bennett said...

Hope you have a good trip to Victoria to celebrate Mandy's graduation.

I had to stop and think what is Sunday. I should remember i have openned up my Hallow'een candy already!

Love mom